

Does dayr al Bahri have obelisks?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Yes at the entrance.

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Q: Does dayr al Bahri have obelisks?
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Who built the great temple in Dayr al- Bahri in Egypt?

Hatshepsut Made The Temple Of Dayr Al- Bahri.

What Pharaoh made the temple Dayr al-Bahri?

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What monumet did hatsheput build?

Dayr-al Bahri

What are facts about Dayr al-Bahri?

It was build by Hatshepsut. :)

A fact about Dayr al-Bahri?

Dayr al-Bahri is an ancient necropolis located on the west bank of the Nile River in Egypt. It is famous for its stunning mortuary temples, including the Temple of Hatshepsut, which was built during the New Kingdom period. The architectural and artistic features of Dayr al-Bahri make it a significant historical and archaeological site in Egypt.

What were some major achievements made by Hatshepsut?

The great temple in dayr al- bahri

What monument did Hatshepsut build?

The temple of Deir el-Bahri and restoration of the Precinct of Mut which had been wrecked by the Hyksos invaders.

What are facts about the dayr al-bahri temple?

It was built by Hatshepsut, the first female pharaoh, also she dressed like a man and wore a fake beard just to prove she was as, if not more powerful than other male pharaohs.

What best describes hatshepsut's monument at dayr al bahri?

She builds the Djeser-Djeseru. We know it as The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. It is located at Deir el-Bahri, The Obelisks of Hatshepsut and The Red Chapel. She lived in the Palace of Ma'at. It was rectangular structure. The capital was Thebes, Amarna, and then again Thebes. In terms of trade, Hatshepsut was not blind to the need of bolstering Egypt's economy' and indeed, the Punt expedition is but the climax of her consistent trading enterprises with Lebanon, Crete, Syria, West Africa, South Africa, Aswan and the reopening of mines in Mt. Sinai.

How many monuments did Hatsheput build?

She erected four obelisks at Karnak.

Who built Dayre al-Bahri?

Hatshepsut the first female pharaoh