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Testosterone is the hormone that causes elongation of the vocal cords and thus a deeper voice.

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10y ago

Yes, testosterone is responsible for deepening of voice. Its secreted by the testis.

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Q: Does testosterone deepen the voice
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Related questions

Is it possible to deepen your voice and is it ok to do so?

Yes you can deepen ur voice and it is ok sometimes but sometimes not.

How do you deepen your voice?

Unless you consider some risky hormone treatments, there is nothing that will deepen your voice. Your voice will naturally deepen as you go through puberty. The deepening is due to the thyroid cartilage and vocal cords growing.

How can a woman deepen her voice without hormones?

Voice coaches and/or speech therapists can help with this.

What are the disadvantages of singing?

The disadvantages of singing is that you can lose your voice and probably hit puberty and deepen your voice.

Can excessive cigarette smoking deepen the voice?

It can destroy your voice- as in lose it completely. It can also cause a very "scratchy" voice- but deeper- no.

What do i drink or eat to change my female voice to a male voice?

Testosterone pills

Why does a boy's voice get deeper?

During puberty the male voices deepens, because the larynx (voice box) grows larger and thicker, causing the vibrations caused by speaking to become lower. And it is perfectly normal.I am 13 years old and my voice is starting to get lower.

Why does steroids deepen voices?

Exogenous use of steroids (steroids that are not made in her own body), can cause her to exhibit male secondary sex characteristics, including a deeper voice, loss of breast tissue, facial hair, and increased muscle mass.

Is it possible for a voice to deepen after someone starts shaving?

There is no link between shaving and your voice breaking. Once testosterone reaches your larynx (voice box), it causes the chords to enlarge. This creates a lower-pitch sound and also makes the larynx more defined, creating what is known as the Adam's Apple. Some boys' voices don't break until they're 16 or 17, or sometimes even later!

What secondary sex characteristic does testosterone produces in males?

Testosterone produces a deep voice and facial hair in males.

At puberty a boys voice changes due to the effects of testosterone so the what enlarges and the what becomes longer?

At puberty the effects of testosterone cause the Larynx (also called the Voice Box or Adam's Apple) to enlarge, this makes the pitch of the voice lower and a boy's voice is said to "break".

At what age does a boys voice deepen?

There is not an exact age for what age boys voices deepen, because we all go through puberty at a different time. Approximately, boys voices deepen around eleven through around fourteen. That still doesn't mean their voice is changed and is not going to still change, because it could still get deeper. Also, a boy's voice can change sooner or even later. I know this because there are a lot of boys in my grade (Sixth grade) I've noticed that their voice deepened.