

Does gun control decrease violence and crime?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Generally no, because criminals do not obey the law and would continue to carry weapons around even when other people are not. The exception comes with weapons such as machine guns and semi-automatic assault rifles, which no law-abiding person in their right mind need anyway, and also preventing people with serious convictions or mental illness from obtaining weapons.

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Depends on the crime. A felony, or crime of domestic violence, no.

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Less than people would have you believe. Violent crime in the US is at the lowest point in 20 years. Areas with the highest crime rates typically are also the areas with the most gun control laws.

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The same as any violent crime

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Depends on the misdemeanor. If it was a crime of domestic violence, no.

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Depends on the misdemeanor. Domestic violence or drugs- no.

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Yes. What they do not have is crime control.

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This is a felony crime.

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It depends on the misdemeanor CONVICTION. If it was for a crime of domestic violence, no.

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There does appear to be one. It is an INVERSE correlation. As the rate of gun ownership INCREASES, the rate of violent crime DECREASES.