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Typically no. It is an elective procedural (likely) that was not covered under insurance, and as such they do not pay for complications that arise from them. This may not be true in the case where the augmentation was secondary to mastectomy. There may be a warranty on the implant itself.

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13y ago

Health insurance coverage varies greatly from company to company and from individual coverages.You will need to contact your provider to find out if you are covered and the extint of the coverage. Also, contact your surgeon who did your implants to find out who the manufacturer of the implants were.Sometimes the manufacturer will replace a deflated implant at no cost for the implant , you still have to pay for the surgery.

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If you want to have breast implants, you should check if your insurance covers it. The cheapest deal with be the offices covered by insurance. The cheapest places in your area can be found at

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None, lol.yesmost insurance pays 100% mental so if you are depressed cause you feel like less of a women because of your small breast then they have to cover the implantsDoes_insurance_pay_for_breast_implants

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No, Breast reconstruction is only covered following a Mastectomy

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Hi, i have done project on insurance, any company does not offer such insurance. you can seek medical insurance.

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No, she didn't really get breast implants

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No, breast implants have to be filled in during surgery only.

Does Rhonda Vincent have breast implants?

It is unknown as to whether Rhonda Vincent has breast implants.

Does mariah Carey have breast implants?

No, Mariah Carey didn't have breast implants.

Do breast implants harden when pregnant?

No, the breast implants themselves do not harden. The actual breasts still do. But that's of course harder to feel when they're behind breast implants.