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Although non-vascular plants lack the vascular tissues, a number of non-vascular plants possess tissues specialized for internal transport of water. Non-vascular plants have no roots, stems, or leaves, since each of these structures is defined by containing vascular tissue. The lobes (rounded parts) of the liverwort may look like leaves, but they are not true leaves because they have no xylem or phloem. Likewise, mosses and algae have no such tissues. All plants have a life cycle with an alternation of generations between a diploid sporophyte and a haploid gametophyte, but nonvascular plants include the only plants that have a dominant gametophyte generation. In these plants, the sporophytes grow attached and are dependent on gametophytes for taking in water and other materials. I am studying non-vascular plants in my class. I hope that this helps! (My source is Wikipedia lol helps a lot for me...

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15y ago
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11y ago

Nonvascular Plants do not have vessels. Nonvascular plants are found in damp

environments and are only a few cells thick, so they are able to absorb water

and nutrients from it directly through their cell walls. Vascular plants are more

complex and are thick, so they need vessels to get their water and nutrients.

If you want to know more about it, get the science

textbook "Life Science" a Glencoe book written by: Lucy Daniel, Ed Ortleb, and

Alton Biggs. But there were many contributing writers who where

named: Linda Barr, Dan Blaustein, Pam Bliss, Mary Dylewski, Helen Frensch,

Steve Glazer, Rebecca Johnson, Devi Mathieu, Nancy Ross-Flanigan, and Patricia


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14y ago

Non-vascular plants - essentially mosses, worts and algae - have no vascular system to take up water, and therefore usually live in wet or moist conditions where they can absorb water through difussion, capillary action, and probably osmosis.

Fungi are considered to be non-vascular as well, but are not thought to be closely related to plants, and are placed in their own taxonomical kingdom, Fungi, rather than Plantae.

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12y ago

With non-vascular plants, there is an absence of tissue like the xylem and the phloem, with carry water and sugars respectably, there are no roots and very small leaves. With out these tissues the plant must rely on symplastic movement through its cells. It must diffuse materials, like water and potassium, from the soil up to the top of the plant where photosynthesis occurs in the small leaf-like structures. So the answer to your question is that yes there are still water and nutrients that move through the plant even thought there is no vascular tissue. Th reason behind the absence can be attributed to the plants very small size and not having the need to move as many materials, unlike the vascular plant which can loss its weight in water in one day through its leaves.

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11y ago

Plants get water from soil and roots. The roots absorb the water and pass it up through the stem into the leaves, where it's evaporated.

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How does water travel through a nonvascular plant?

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What do nonvascular have?

Nonvascular plants have stems

Do nonvascular plants absorb water and nutrients?

Yes, Nonvascular Plants do not have vessels. Nonvascular plants are found in damp environments and are only a few cells thick, so they are able to absorb water and nutrients from it directly through their cell walls. Vascular plants are more complex and are thick, so they need vessels to get their water and nutrients. See related question

Do nonvascular plants absorb water like sponges?

It absorbs water like a sponge

How are vascular and nonvacular plants different?

Vascular plants have a specialized vascular system made up of xylem and phloem, which allows them to transport water, nutrients, and sugars. Nonvascular plants, on the other hand, lack this specialized system and instead absorb water and nutrients directly into their tissues. Additionally, vascular plants have true roots, stems, and leaves, while nonvascular plants do not.

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I hate Mrs.Gibson