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Q: Does peer pressure occur in different cultures?
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Does peer pressure exist in other cultures?

Like our country, we share various cultures which are also affected by peer pressure. Other cultures also share the same problem, therefore it exist.

When does positive peer pressure usually occur?

Positive peer positive peer pressure always leads to positive things. Such as reading and bring out the best in you.

What age does peer pressure start?

peer pressure can occur at any age as soon as kids start school. you will face peer pressure at any age and time of your life

What are the different kinds of peer pressure?

yes there are. there is positive peer pressure, and negative peer pressure. going and doing drugs is negative peer pressure, whereas going to do something fun and exciting is positive peer pressure.

When does peer pressure most often occur?

all the time

When do you experience peer pressure?

There are different kinds of peer pressure.Some are good,some are bad.So,you can experience peer pressure about any time in your life.

When do you usually experience peer pressure?

There are different kinds of peer pressure.Some are good,some are bad.So,you can experience peer pressure about any time in your life.

What are the types of pressure?

They're 5 Kinds of Peer Pressure These are it ~ Negative Peer Pressure , Positive Peer Pressure , Heavy Peer Pressure , Indirect Peer Pressure , and Friendly Peer Pressure

What is significance of the study of peer pressure?

There is great significance in the study of peer pressure. This study examines the change in thought among individuals being pressured that would not normally occur.

What is the strongest type of conformity that can occur as a result of social influence or peer pressure?


How many people smoke because of peer pressure?

hundreds a day so do not give into peer pressure its OK to be different and say no

Could peer pressure cause depression?

Peer pressure can affect many people in many different ways. If a person is under peer pressure for a period of time this can lead to depression and other symptoms of bullying.