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In my case, I was allowed 6 months of pay. Then Minnesota is going to take 50% of that pay for state taxes. The rate is higher because its a severance that is paid in one lump sum. When you accept severance pay, you have to wait until the pay has run out (6 months in my case), before you can apply for unemployment insurance. -Minnesota

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In my state (not Minn) my colleague and I were layed off at the same time with a one-time severance payment. He got unemployment immediately, I had to wait until my severance pay was finished (the number of week's pay my severance was) before I started my unemployment.

So it not only depends on your state, it depends on who does your case.

The good news is that we both got the same amount of unemployment $, mine was just delayed.

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Q: Does severance pay keep you from collecting unemployment in Minnesota?
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Only if it was listened in the original benefits package by the employer. No employer has to give out severance unless they specifically stated that they would when you were hired. This is something to keep in mind when looking for new jobs. It can only be negotiated at the start, so if you want that protection you will need to be proactive about it. The attached link talks more about specifics as well as the the ways in which severance and unemployment aid can intertwine.

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Whether or not you receive a severance package is entirely up to your employer and /or the company you work for's policies. No one is forced to give out severance, it is considered a benefit. Pay close attention when you first sign the paperwork for a new job and it will mention severance if it is included in that company's benefits package. The attached article goes into more specifics. One other thing to keep in mind is unemployment vs. severance.

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