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Normal faults are also known as dip-slip faults and usually occur at convergent zones. The reason they occur at convergent zones is because the blocks involved are displaced toward each other caused by compressional forces.

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Q: Does subduction occur at normal faults?
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Related questions

What kinds of faults do subduction zones produce?

normal reverse or strike slip

Does subduction occur where crust is form where crust is destroyed near transform boundaries or at normal faults?

because the hulk and iron man are gettin bis-ay, if you know what i mean, and this makes earthquakes

Where do the most destructive volcanic eruptions occur?

At subduction zones due to the occurrence of very large thrust faults.

Why do reverse faults occur at deeper depths than the other two types of faults?

Because they form in areas of compression such as within the descending slabs of crust at subduction zones. These are in turn the deepest layers within the earth where brittle deformations such as reverse faulting can occur.

What are 6 facts about a normal fault?

Normal faults have a hanging wall and footwall Normal Faults are common at mid-ocean ridges Normal Faults occur where the crust is being pulled apart at the divergent plate boudary. Sorry i only have 3 facts, but I anyone with the question

Where do the majority faults occur?

The majority of faults occur in the plate boundaries.

What are normal faults caused by?

Normal faults are caused by tension in the movement of rocks

The deepest earthquakes occur were?

In Subduction zones.

What does normal faulting mean?

Normal faults are when you have hanging walls that slide down relative to and below the footwall. Dip-slip faults are normal faults.

Do Hotspot volcanoes occur along subduction zones.?

No, hotspot volcanoes do not occur along subduction zones. They occur when plates pass over mantle hot spots.

What is it called when faults move gradually rather than suddenly?

Faults are breaks in the crust where the crust has moved. The types of dip-slip faults are normal and reverse faults. In both of these, the movement is along the slope of the fault. Sudden movements along these faults can produce fault scarps. Layers of rock being misaligned is evidence of fault movement. Fault creep is caused by slow movement along the fault.In a normal fault, the plates are moving away from each other. This is due to tension. When the fault moves, the footwall rises relative to the hanging wall. Normal faults occur at divergent boundaries, such as ocean ridges. Normal faults can produce fault-block mountains.In a reverse fault, the plates are moving towards each other. This is due to compression. Here, the footwall falls relative to the hanging wall. A thrust fault is a special type of reverse fault, where the angle is shallow. Reverse faults occur at convergent boundaries, like subduction zones.A strike-slip fault is where the two plates move horizontally past each other. The force between them is called shearing. This type of fault is often called a transform fault, because they occur at transform boundaries.

Which type of fault occur when a portion of rock move downwards leaving the other in place with an overhang?

parallel normal faults.