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No, they do not work. You need to have the sugar crystals in the mint for it to work. Sugar free has no sugar so therefor it does not work. I tried to no avail.

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Q: Does sugar free wintergreen lifesaver cause sparks?
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Do you have too much sugar in your blood if you feel faint?

Too much sugar in the blood can cause faintness, but many other conditions can cause it too. The best advice is to see a physician.

Does sugar cause sexual weakness in men?

Yes and no.The No.Sugar is needed to maintain a healthy blood pressure. If your sugar is too low, then your blood pressure will be too low. Since the male penis relies on blood pressure to form an erection, low blood sugar is a problem here.The Yes.Too much sugar can cause reduced production of testosterone and therefore reduced sexual drive. It can also cause diabetes, which can further cause loss of drive.The advice is to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Just eat as much sugar as you need (ie natural sugars from fruits) to maintain a healthy blood pressure and avoid too much sugary junk food to prevent loss of drive.

In a perfectly tied and unbroken bag should you see evidence of sugar molecules passing through the membrane?

No. Sugar is a starch and the carbohydrates from the base of the bag will cause them to turn to a gaseous state.

What is a example of a metabolic disease?

Diabetes= This is a common group of chronic metabolic diseases that cause high blood sugar.

What could cause chronic recurring Pancreatitis in a young healthy woman?

The most common cause of acute pancreatitis in western populations is: a) Alcohol; b) Gallstones; c) Drugs; d) Hypertriglyceridemia (high triglycerides fatty molecule and can cause cholesterol level problems; e) Obestity; f) High sugar diet g) Sugar diabetes h) Genetics (if other people in the family have it.) i) pancreas injuries; j) mumps;

Related questions

How many teaspoons of sugar in a peppermint lifesaver?

2 grams

How much sugar per can of grizzly wintergreen tobacco?

There is some sugar in grizzly wintergreen. I'm diabetic and when I put a dip in my blood sugar goes up a little bit. So dnt believe people when they say there isn't any sugar in grizzly wintergreen (I'm not quite sure whomever wrote this answer understands that nicotine raises blood pressure....with or without the presence of sugar...)

Why don't wintergreen lifesavers spark anymore?

Wintergreen lifesavers should still spark. Triboluminescence occurs when the sugar molecules are crushed and an ultraviolet (not visible) light is emitted. This ultraviolet light fluoresces when it hits the wintergreen oil (methyl salicylate) and produces the visible sparks of light we all like... Best done with fresh, dry, life savers in a dark room. Try it with pliers if your mouth is too tired to really grind. It should be a real snap and grind to get the light. If you are going to be a purist, don't let the candy get soft in you mouth. Place it between two dry molars and crunch.

Where does the blue color spark come from in lifesaver mints?

it comes from the acid and sugar mixing and rubbing them together to create that reaction.

How long does it take for lifesavers dissolve in water?

The sugar in the lifesaver dissolves when its exposed to water, because the water changes the sugar physically, I think (someone correct me if I'm wrong). When the lifesaver's just sitting around surrounded by air, there's nothing to change it's shape or its composition, because the air particles and anything else in the air doesn't have the properties to break down either the sugar or anything else in the candy.

Why does mint last longer than fruit gum?

I depends if you gum with sugar its not really the gum flavor its sugar and the sugar will rotten your teeth so for now you might wanna stick to winter fresh or wintergreen.

Does longhorn wintergreen snuff have sugar in it?

Not extremely more than any other company but does have alot

What is the description or role of a lifesaver?

you have to help people that r in need like save them and stuff like that hey wat u doing goodnight

How does sugar effect your mood?

Sugar can cause you to be hyper.

Why does moving water dissolve life savers quicker than still water?

life savers do dissolve at different temps. this happens because they are mostly made op of sugar and artificial coloring, and sugar, as you probably know dissolves better in hot liquid better then cold liquid.

Can high blood sugar cause you spaceout?

Yes, it can. The low sugar levels cause you brain to malfunction.

What can cause changes to blood sugar?

eating sugar LOL