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Yes! We got 3 nouns: Masculine, Feminine and Neutral

Masculine: Der

Feminine: Die

Neutral: Das

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Q: Does the German language have masculine and feminine nouns?
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Are all nouns ending on ung are masculine?

No, most, if not all, German nouns ending in -ungare feminine.

Is the word 'sea' feminine or masculine?

That depends on the language. In English nouns have no gender and are neither masculine or feminine. In French it is feminine (la mer) In Spanish it is masculine (el mar) In Welsh it is masculine (y mor)

Is shark masculine or feminine?

That depends on the language. In English nouns have no gender and are neither masculine or feminine. In French, it is masculine (le requin). In Spanish, it is masculine (el tiburón). In Arabic, it is masculine (سمك القرش). In German, it is feminine (das haie).

What is the German word for an?

Depending on gender, the basic translation of anis ein (masculine and neuter nouns)or eine (feminine nouns).

Is the word damage masculine or feminine?

That depends on the language. In English nouns have no gender and are neither masculine or feminine. In French, it is feminine (la donmage) In Spanish, it is masculine (el daño). In Arabic, it is masculine (ad-darar / الضرر)

What is a feminine noun?

English doesn't make the the same sorts of distinctions between masculine, feminine and neuter nouns as do some languages. For example Spanish distinguishes gender of all nouns very specifically using the terms "el" (for masculine nouns) and "la" (for feminine nouns). Many languages do the same (e.g., French and German - not always logically - Mark Twain has a delightful discussion regarding the inconsistent use of masculine and feminine distinctions in German in his essay "The Awful German Language"). So let's talk about some specifics. English does have masculine, feminine, and neuter pronouns. The masculine pronoun is "he", the feminine pronoun is "she", and the neuter pronoun is "it". Although it is not classified as a feminine noun, a ship is usually referred to as "she" rather than "it". In addition, English very definitely makes distinctions between masculine and feminine nouns in other ways. For example, the nouns "man, bishop, bull, prince, boar, rooster, stag, and gentleman" refer only to males in English. The nouns "woman, princess, nun, empress, hen, sow, and lady" refer only to females. And, of course, there are the nouns "male" and "female."

Is the word forest masculine or feminine?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for a male or a female, such as male and female. Nouns that can be either a male or a female, such as parent, are common gender nouns; nouns for things that have no gender are neuter. If you are writing poetically, it is a matter of choice. Normally, it is treated as neuter.

What are example of masculine and feminine words?

In English, almost all nouns (with the obvious exception of some proper nouns) are genderless. In languages where nouns do have gender, it's very nearly random. A word which is masculine in one language may well be feminine in another. Even within a single language, you generally just have to "know" which words are which. In French, nouns which take the adjective "Le" are masculine while those which take the adjective "La" are feminine.

Is the word mosque masculine or feminine?

That depends on the language. In English nouns have no gender and are neither masculine or feminine. In French it is feminine (la mosquée). In Spanish it is also feminine (la mezquita). In Arabic it is masculine (al-jaame3a or al-masjed / الجامع المسجد).

Is the word shirt masculine or feminine?

That depends on what language you are speaking. In English, nouns don't typically have gender.

What is masculine and feminine nouns in France?

The masculine pronoun in French is "il," the feminine is "elle."

Is cafeteria feminine?

English does not have feminine or masculine nouns. In Spanish, it is feminine.