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Q: Does the The strength of the economy depends on the balance of production and consumption of goods and services?
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What is sustainability and describe why it is goal of environment science?

Sustainability is the balance between consumption and production of natural goods. It is a goal of many scientific disciplines to find a human balance with the environment so we don't irreparably damage our planet.

Is performed services a credit or debit?

Performed services is a revenue account and revenue account has credit balance as normal default balance so services performed also has credit balance.

How has coffee affected the balance of power between various regions of the world?

Over 90% of coffee production takes place in developing countries and on the opposite end the majority of the consumption takes place in industrialized nations.

What is a good strength test?

if you have the wii you can find your self doing balance test and or strength test.

Is service revenue a debit or cedit?

Services revenue is also a revenue and like all revenue accounts which have credit balance as normal balance, services revenue also has a credit balance.

What elements ar combined in the lunge?

Cardio, balance, and strength

The relationship between current account balance and GDP?

The relationship between the current account balance and the GDP is that they both reflect the production in the given economy. They both deal with the net production.

What effect does alcohol consumption have on your balance?

Consuming too much alcohol in too short a period of time can temporarily reduce a person's ability to balance themselves.

How hormones affect egg production by the ovaries?

Hormones maintain a delicate balance in the body that makes the ovaries produce eggs. When this balance is affected by hormonal changes, egg production can be increased or diminished.

What effect does alcohal consumption have on balance and equilibrium?

Alcohol effects balance and equilibrium by depressing the central nervous system. Alcohol can also cause memory loss and speech impairments.

How does horseback riding help your muscles?

It helps you balance and gain leg strength.

What is a system that establishes equal military strength among countries?

balance of power