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Q: Does the amount of water affect the germination of Mongo seeds?
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Why does temperature affect mongo seed germination?

because mongo seeds are always planted in tropical places so temperature always afects in the germination of mongo seed

Observation on germination of mongo seeds?


Does the amount of water affect the germination of bean seeds?

If the amount of water is to great around the bean seed it will die and not be able to germinate.

Does acid rain affect germination of seeds?

Yes, acid rain does affect germination of seeds by mixing in with the soil and damaging the seed coating.

Can mongo seed grow in the cotton with water?

Mongo seeds grow best in water without cotton. For effective germination of mongo seeds, leave the seeds suspended in water for between 8-12 hours. After this period, remove the seeds and new growth should take place within 24 hours.

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Where can sunlight affect the height of the mongo seeds?

baho man og tae

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Does sprite affect the germination of radish seeds?

No, Sprite does not affect the germination of radish seeds. Germination is primarily influenced by factors such as water, light, temperature, and seed quality. Sprite, a carbonated beverage, does not have any properties that would directly impact seed germination.

How does water affect the germination of seeds?

Water will typically start the germination process of seeds. This is because the water is needed to break down the protective shell on the seed.

How does water affect germination of seeds?

Water will typically start the germination process of seeds. This is because the water is needed to break down the protective shell on the seed.

Why was a mongo seeds float in boiling water?

What Will happen the Boling mongo Seeds