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No, the constellations appear to be moving but it is the earth that is rotating around the constellations. The constellations rise and set but they dont change position.

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Q: Does the constellation Eridanus change from hour to hour and if so what direction does it move in?
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Units of measure for velocity?

Velocity is measured as a unit of distance over time as in miles/hour (miles per hour). feet/second, kilometers/hour. It is the same as a measurement of speed except that there is also a direction component as in north or southwest. If you change the direction travel but maintain the same speed, it is still a change in velocity even though it is not a change in speed..

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The change of velocity is 75 km/hr west.

How can you change your speed into a velocity?

Speed is merely a rate of covering distance, while velocity measures speed with direction. So Billy Bob Thornton is walking at 5 miles per hour. He has a speed. Now, Billy Bob Thornton is walking at 5 miles per hour east. He has speed and direction. To change, you must merely specify a direction.

How can object accelerate when it does not change speed?

Let's review some terms before we tackle this one. Speed is displacement per unit of time. We know 60 miles per hour is a speed. Velocity is speed with a direction vector associated with it. We know 60 miles per hour east is velocity. Acceleration is a change in velocity. That means if an object changes its speed or its direction or both, it is accelerating.If an object has a given velocity and it slows down or speeds up, it is accelerated. But if the same object changes direction without a change in speed, it is still experiencing acceleration. A force had to act on the object to change its direction, even though its speed didn't change. Thus, an object can accelerate even though it does not change speed.

What is ancceleration?

Probably an incorrect spelling of "acceleration", which refers to the rate of change of velocity - how fast a velocity changes. Perhaps the above answer should read speed and not velocity, as velocity means a change of direction? i.e The car accelerated from 60 kl per hr to 70 kl per hour travelling due north, then changed direction to NNW. The change in direction is a vector.

Is kilometers per hour a vector?

No, there is no direction associated with it.

How can you differentiate velocity from speed?

If no direction is mentioned, then you have a speed. Example: "30 miles per hour". If the direction is mentioned, then you have a velocity. Example: "30 miles per hour north".

If velocity dSdt and speed dSdt then what happened when a body move in a complete circle were dS0 then velocity?

Velocity is a vector, meaning it has a direction, like east, north, up. Speed isa magnitude without direction, 60 miles per hour is a speed; 60 miles per hour north is a velocity. When a care is going 60 mph in a circle the speed is constant but the velocity changes as the direction changes. The magnitude of the velocity is the same but the direction changes thus the velocity changes. Velocity changes if either the speed/magnitude or the direction change.

60 miles per hour would be a Scalar quantity because it represents a Magnitude but not Direction. is true or false?

TRUE. However, if you said '60 miles per hour in a northerly direction' , then that is a vector quantity. because it has direction.

Did the weather of a place change hour to hour?


What is magniutude?

Magnitude is a quantity without direction, a.k.a. a "scalar" value. An example is speed ("30 miles per hour"), which is the magnitude of velocity ("30 miles per hour in the Western direction")

How long does the one direction concert last?

About 1,2,3 Hour's depend's...