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No the material that does that (DNA) is to be found in the cell's nucleus.

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Q: Does the cytoplasm contains information that determines a cell's purpose and function?
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What contains information that determines a cell's purpose and function?

The cell nucleus, which contains the DNA which determines a cell's purpose and function.

What portion of a neuron contains a bulk of cytoplasm?

the soma, or cell body, of a neuron contains a majority of the cytoplasm. the processes that receive information and those that transmit that information, dendrites and axons respectively, are much thinner and require much less machinery to serve their function.

The control center that directs the cells activities and contains information that determines the cells form and function is the?

the Nucleus

Cytoplasm function in animal?

Cytoplasm is the fluid substance that fills the space between the cell membrane and the cellular organelles. The cytoplasm contains enzymes that control chemical reactions inside cells.

What carries information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm?

Messenger RN is the RNA that transports information from DNA in the nucleus to the cell's cytoplasm. Its main function is transporting information from the DNA to the nucleus of the cytoplasm of the cell.

What is one function of chromosomes in a cell?

Provides Information that determines the Traits of an organism

One function of the chromosomes in a cell is to?

provide information that determines the traits of an organism.

Does transfer RNA perform its function in the nucleus or cytoplasm explain your answer?

tRNA performs its function in cytoplasm. its function if to transfer amino acid to the protein synthetic mechinery i.e. ribosome, which is present in cytoplasm.

What is the goo inside cells called?

The goo inside cells is called cytoplasm. It is a jelly-like substance that fills the cell and surrounds the organelles. It contains various molecules, proteins, and nutrients necessary for cell function.

What is an analogy for cytoplasm function?


What organelles function to contain cell parts?

The cytoplasm contains all the organelles of a cell besides the nucleus and the cell wall. The vacuole (including central vacuole in some cells) is an organelle that stores materials, such as water, food, or enzymes, for metabolism. The vesicle is a small organelle that contains and transports materials inside the cytoplasm.

The ____ function determines the lowest number in a range?

The MIN Function determines the lowest number in a range