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Yes vertebrates have a one way gut. Think how inconvenient it would be any other way.

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Q: Does vertebrates have a one way gut?
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In what way is a tubular gut that is one with both mouth and an anus an advantage over a simple saclike gut?

Go snog your crush!

What is meant by 'gut feeling'?

"Gut feeling" means what one feels with one's heart, as opposed to what one's mind thinks. It is the feeling where one knows something will happen in a certain way.

Is a gut an organ?

Gut is another way to say organs

What is an cnidarian gut?

Cnidarians have no gut in their body .The structure which performs function similar to gut is called gastrovascular cavity .

All animals except sponges and single-celled organisms digest their food?

they digest it in a one-way gut.

Where can one find videos about gut punching?

There are many places where one can find videos about gut punching. One can find videos about gut punching at popular on the web sources such as YouTube and Vimeo.

Are squirrels vertebrates or invertebrates?

Squirrels are vertebrates, they have spines.

Why are flying squirrels vertebrates?

They have backbones just as all vertebrates do. You are one as well.

Do invertebrates eat vertebrates and vertebrates eat invertebrates?

the fact that one is an invertebrate and one a vertebrate is completely irrelevant to which eats which it is entirely down to the food chain but it is much more common for a vertebrate to eat an invertebrate than the other way around.

Are all mammals vertebrates and is a platypus one?

All mammals are vertebrates. This includes platypuses.

Does a planarian have a one way digestive system?

The gut is lined with a single layer of endodermal cells which absorb and digest food.

Does a snake have vertebrates?

Yes, snakes are vertebrates, so they have vertabrae. (Vertebrae is more than one vertebra.)