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Yes, your hair does grow faster while you are sleeping. This is because sleep is necessary to maintain your body. When you're at rest, your body has time to recuperate.

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Q: Does your hair grow faster while you are sleeping?
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Does hair grow faster when you are sleeping?

Yes - Everything Grows Faster When You Are Sleeping

Why does head hair grow faster?

Your hair mostly grows faster by you sleeping. By sleeping your body sleeps as well, which your hair can then grow. Your hair cannot grow when your awake, but your body mostly grows when your asleep. So that's all I can give you.

How do you get long hair for guys?

You have to let it grow out for a while. Girls are different our hormones make our hair grow faster.

How do you grow your hair out faster?

Hair will grow faster if you trim the ends.

Does tying your hair back while you sleep make it grow longer faster?


How do yo grow your hair faster?

dont straighten your hair at all for a while. and shampoos can help too.

How can i make a child's hair grow?

The child's hair should grow faster if you trim it but you can't make it grow faster

How do you make your hair grow faster without cutting it?

you can't make your hair grow faster just let it grow

Why do people say that your hair will grow faster once you get it trimmed when hair grows at the roots and not the tips?

your hair will not grow faster by keeping the ends trimmed. it will, however, seem to grow faster. unkempt ends tend to split easily. split ends turn dry and brittle, and consequently break off, shortening the length of the hair. while trimming your ends won't cause the hair to grow faster, it will keep your hair healthy and minimize risk of breakage, which in the long run means it gets longer faster.

Do nails grow faster than hair?

No,hair grows faster.

Your hair is curly you use garneer shampoo what you do grow your hair faster SHINNY?

use a different shampoo and wait while your hair grows

When does hair mostly grow?

Hair tends to grow faster in the winter