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Q: Dos particles in the mercury thermometer have more average kinetic energy than particles in the air?
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Suppose a mercury thermometer shows that the air temperature is 22celcus 72 farenheightdo particles in the air have more average kinetic energy than particles in the mercury?

Im so confused

Do particles in the air have average kinetic energy than particles in the mercury?

It is true.

What do thermometers actually detect about the moving particles that make up a sample of matter?

Thermometers detect the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter. As the temperature increases, the particles move faster and have higher kinetic energy. This increase in kinetic energy is then measured by the thermometer, allowing us to determine the temperature of the sample.

Does the particles in mercury have more kinetic energy than the airs kinetic energy?

Im so confused

How does pressure affect a thermometer?

Heat is transferred thru the glass of the thermometer to or from the liquid (mercury) inside. The heat causes the liquid to either expand (hot) or contract. Since the large bulb end contains most of the liquid, but grass doesn't expand as much as the liquid, the expanding liquid forces itself up (if hot) into the narrow tube, which indicated the temperature. On the molecular level, particles outside the thermometer have a certain kinetic energy (KR) and the particles inside the thermometer also have a certain KE probably a different amount or they are already at the same temperature. Particles (either molecules or atoms) when in either the solid or liquid state, are constantly in motion (for solids, they just vibrate about a fixed, central position. Collision of the particles outside the thermometer and the thermometer itself cause exchange of some KE until the average KE of the outside particles is equal to the average KE of those in the thermometer. When this occurrs they are at the same temp. This change in KE of the particles in the thermometer causes more motion, and this extra motion causes what we call expansion. All molecules in the thermometer are pushing against each other with more force (KE).

The function of a Mercury thermometer?

to tell old people that have a mercury thermometer what the temperature is

What is Mercury thermometer use to measure?

A mercury thermometer is used to measure temperature.

Do particle in the air have more average kinetic energy than particle in the mercury?

It is true.

Mention any two points of difference between a clinical thermometer and an ordinary mercury thermometer?

A clinical thermometer will offer more precise calibrated readings than a mercury thermometer. The range of measurable temperature differs between a clinical and a mercury thermometer with the mercury thermometer having the wider range.

Who invented the modern mercury thermometer and when?

The mercury thermometer was invented Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1714.

When a mercury-based thermometer is invented?

The mercury thermometer was invented Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1714.

What is the liquid in thermometer's called?

Mercury the liquid inside thermometer is mercury.. but it is called thermometric liquid.