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I live in New Hampshire where the DWI stays on your record forever unlees you have it annuled. You are allowed to annul the record of arrest, conviction and incarceration after 10 years past the date of the original conviction. I believe the law is similar in most states.

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Q: Dui stays on your record for how many years?
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How many years does a DUI conviction stay on your driving record for insurance companies in WYO?

A DUI stays on your record for seventy five years. Some state keep DUI record for life.

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How long does a DUI remain on a drivers record?

it stays for 75 years

How long will a DUI conviction be on your record in the state of Georgia?

For most insurance companies it only stays on your record for 5 years. For employment checks or if you go to the DMV to obtain a copy of your record, I believe in Georgia a DUI/DWI stays on your record for 7 years.

How long does DUI stay on your recorded in Florida?

It stays on your record for 75 years.

How long does a DUI conviction remains on a driver's record?

it stays for 75 years

A DUI anOWI conviction stays on your record for?

10 years 25 years 75 years

How long does a DUI stay on your DMV record in the state of Wyoming?

A DUI stays on a Montana record for life, but can only be applied to insurance rates for an offense three years or recent.

How long is a DUI likely to stay on a public record?

The time a DUI conviction stays on a public record varies between states. In some states it is on one's record forever. In other states it will remain on record for at least 5 years.

How many years does a DUI stay on your permanent record?

75 years

How many years does a DUI conviction remain on a drivers record?

A record of a DUI conviction on your drivers license history is permanent.

How long does a DUI charge stay on record in british Columbia?

A DUI does not go away. It is a criminal offense and as such stays on the driving record forever.