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Richard Nixon was the President of the US when astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped from the lunar lander Eagle for the first landing on the moon. The mission was Apollo 11, and the landing occured on 20 July, 1969.

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Q: During which president term of office did the first man walk on moon?
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What was memorible during the first moon landing?

It was the first landing, moon walk. fitst call from president to the astronauts on the moon.

Who was in office when people first landed on the moon?

Richard Nixon was the President of the United States in 1969, the year humans first landed on the moon.

President during Americans landing on the moon?

All moon landings happened during Nixon days. Richard Nixon: president of USA from January 20, 1969 to August 9, 1974 First moon landing: July, 1969 Last moon landing: December, 1972

Who was the first president to walk on the moon?

No US president has walked on the moon

Who was president during Apollo moon missions?

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Who was on the first mission to land on the moon?

Richard M. Nixon was president of the United States when Apollo 11 landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. He briefly spoke to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin after they planted the American flag on the moon.

How was the first president to talk to the man on the moon?

by calling them on the moon

How long was the first president on the moon?

No president has ever been on the moon. Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, was there for about 2.5 hours of moon walking and about 5 hours in the lunar module.

Who was president during the moon landings?

Richard NIXON

Which president was the first to talk to the man on the moon?

President Richard Nixon was the first president to speak to an astronaut on the moon, On July 20, 1969 , to the Apollo 11 astronauts. Neil Armstrong was the man on the moon.

Who was the president during the first man to walked on moon?

ggorge bubbles cooklie monster Richard M. Nixon, actually.