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Exercise can help prevent Heart disease because it works the heart muscle and keeps the body healthy. This has to be incorporated with healthy eating as well.

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Q: Explain how exercise can help prevent heart disease?
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What are 2 habits that teens can develop now to prevent heart disease later?

Not smoking, and exercise.

What are the ways on how to prevent for avoid or prevent heart disease?

Don't smoke or drink alcohol, exercise, keep your weight in the normal range.

Is there a cure for Heart diseases?

You can get medication from a special doctor or surgery. To prevent it, exercise a lot and don't build fat. Fat is what blocks your arteries that causes Heart disease.

If you had a heart attack before is it to late to exercise to help prevent heart disease?

No, it is never too late but ask the doctor to recommend a therapist.

What is the best way to prevent heart disease?

Exercise is a great way to keep your heart healthy and strong and prevent heart disease. Eating right with lots of fruits and veggies and little or no fried foods or foods high in trans fats is also effective.

What can I do to prevent heart disease?

To prevent heart disease, eat a balanced diet, exercise daily, and live a stress-free life. It is also good to stay in touch with your family doctor to make sure you're on the right track.

Does soccer prevent heart disease?

Sure, soccer is great cardio-vascular exercise. Cardio increases the strength of your heart and blood supply system.

What can prevent heart disease?

Nothing can prevent heart disease but Cardiovascular exercise such as running, cycling and swimming, can help to reverse it or decrease your chances of being diagnosed with it. Exercise helps to reduce your risk because it helps to lower cholesterol levels and increase the strength and efficiency of the heart.

How do you prevent heart disease?

Eat a balanced diet, avoid saturated fats, and do cadio exercise for half an hour thrice a week.

How does exercise affect your heart?

lowers the chance of heart disease

How does exercise impact senior's health?

Proper diet and regular exercise form the foundation of senior health. A nutritional diet and physical activity can help prevent diseases such as cancer,stroke,heart disease, and diabetes. can help manage diabetes,high blood pressure,and heart disease.

How can you prevent from getting heart disease?

A glass of wine a day prevents heart disease.