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Explain how the system concept can be used in explaining the term waste and

waste management?

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Q: Explain how the system concept can be used in explaining the term waste waste management wastivity?
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What kind of concept is Lean Six sigma?

The concept of Lean Six sigma is a business management concept about eliminating errors and defects in business management by measuring how processes perform. It looks at eliminating seven processes, transportation, inventory, motion, waiting, overproduction, over processing and defects.

Who invented kaizen?

I learned in my management class that Kaizen was invented in the United States around the time of, or just before World War II. However, it never caught on in the U.S. Once U.S. Management experts went to Japan after WWII, they brought this management concept with them. Although it never caught on in the U.S., the Japanese incorporated this theory into their own management systems. I also learned this was one of the factors that contributed to the higher quality of Japanese cars vs. U.S. cars in the 1970's.

Who utilized the concept of steam engine in the textile industry to power a ship?

Robert Fulton utilized the concept of a steam engine.

What are the differences between Taylorism and Fordism?

Taylorism is modern, scientific management, which is the bedrock of both corporate workplace control and big business marketing. See Peter F. Drucker on this topic.Fordism is an academic concept that credits Henry Ford with inventing the assembly line and suppposedly trying to over-pay his workers. Henry Ford did not invent the assembly line. Though he paid comparatively high wages, he worked his employees so hard that he actually made greatly increased profits for himself. Fordism is thus a vacuous and misleading concept.

What has the Lean Six Sigma concept to do with waste?

The Lean Six Sigma (combing Lean and Six Sigma) is a managerial concept that results in the elimination of the seven kinds of wastes and provision of goods and services.

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