

William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth was a 19th century Romantic poet of the Lake District of England. Many schoolchildren are introduced to him through his most famous poem, "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" also known as "Daffodils."

500 Questions

Why is the song incomprehensible to the poet in The Solitary Reaper?

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The poet finds the song incomprehensible because he does not understand the language being sung by the reaper. The beauty and emotional depth of the song are conveyed through its melody and the reaper's intense expression, even though the words themselves are foreign to the poet. This highlights the power of music and emotion to transcend language barriers and connect people on a deeper level.

How does Samuel Taylor Coleridge's work differ from William Wordsworth's?

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While both Coleridge and Wordsworth were Romantic poets who emphasized nature and emotion in their works, Coleridge's poetry tends to be more philosophical and mystical, often exploring supernatural elements. Wordsworth, on the other hand, focused on everyday life and experiences, aiming to capture the beauty in simplicity and common scenes. Additionally, Wordsworth's poetry is characterized by a more direct and accessible writing style compared to Coleridge's complex and symbolic language.

What is Asian value system of the story b wordsworth?

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The Asian value system in the story "B. Wordsworth" revolves around the importance of family, respect for elders, and duty towards one's community. These values are depicted through Rajam Iyer's sense of responsibility towards B. Wordsworth, his dedication to his grandchild, and the support provided by the community to B. Wordsworth in his old age.

Who was the role model of William Wordsworth?

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William Wordsworth's role model was his father, John Wordsworth, who had a great influence on him during his formative years. John Wordsworth encouraged his son's love for nature and literature, which later became key themes in William's poetry.

What reason does b wordsworth give for wanting to come into the boys yard?

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B Wordsworth mentions that he is attracted to the boys and wants to play with them. He feels a sense of nostalgia and longing for the joy and innocence that children possess.

When did Favel Wordsworth die?

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Favel Wordsworth passed away on July 6, 1984.

Is wordsworth naturalist?

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Yes, William Wordsworth is considered a nature poet and a key figure in the Romantic movement who celebrated nature in his works. He often wrote about the beauty and power of the natural world, showing a deep connection to the environment around him.

Was Dorothy present with wordsworth when he came to tintern abbey after five years?

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No, Dorothy Wordsworth was not present with her brother William Wordsworth when he visited Tintern Abbey after five years. Dorothy had visited the site with William on their first visit, but she did not accompany him on his return five years later.

What inspired wordsworth to write written in march?

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Wordsworth was inspired to write "Lines Written in March" by the beauty of the natural world during the early spring season. The poem reflects his deep connection to nature and his belief in its ability to nourish the soul. Wordsworth found solace and inspiration in the changing seasons and the renewal of life that comes with spring.

How do Rousseau and Wordsworth compare in the ways they approach natural man?

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Rousseau and Wordsworth both emphasize the purity and simplicity of the natural man, but they differ in their views on society's impact on human nature. Rousseau argues that society corrupts the natural man, while Wordsworth suggests that reconnecting with nature can restore humanity's lost innocence. Despite these differences, both thinkers highlight the importance of the natural world in shaping human character and values.

Who were the Lake Poets of England?

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The Lake Poets were a group of English poets who lived in the Lake District of England during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The three main Lake Poets were William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey. They were known for their connection to nature and their emphasis on the simplicity and beauty of everyday life.

What are the differences between Walt Whitman and William Wordsworth?

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Walt Whitman and William Wordsworth were both influential poets, but they differed in their poetic styles and themes. Wordsworth's poetry often focused on nature and the beauty of the English countryside, while Whitman's work explored themes of individualism, democracy, and the human experience. Additionally, Wordsworth's poems were structured and followed traditional poetic forms, while Whitman's free verse style allowed for more freedom and expression in his writing.

What is the theme and idea of Wordsworth poetry?

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The theme of Wordsworth's poetry often focuses on nature, childhood, and the power of the human imagination. His poetry emphasizes the beauty and spirituality of the natural world, and explores the connection between nature and the human experience. Wordsworth's idea of poetry as a medium for expressing emotions and connecting with the inner self is evident in his emphasis on personal experience and observation.

Why did William Wordsworth try to commit suicide?

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William Wordsworth never attempted suicide. He struggled with depression at times, but there is no record of him trying to end his life. Wordsworth found solace in nature and his poetry, which ultimately helped him cope with his emotional challenges.

What is the figure of speech in the poem spring morning by William Wordsworth?

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The figure of speech in the poem "Spring Morning" by William Wordsworth is personification. In the poem, Wordsworth gives human qualities to natural elements like the sun, breeze, and birds. This personification adds vividness and emotion to the poem, making the scenes more alive and engaging for the reader.

What ended wordsworth and coleridge friendship?

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Wordsworth and Coleridge's friendship became strained due to personal and artistic differences. Coleridge's struggles with addiction and Wordsworth's disapproval of his political views contributed to the downfall of their relationship. Additionally, contrasting poetic styles and diverging philosophies eventually led to a permanent rift between the two poets.

What do lines 30-40 mean in William Wordsworth Tintern Abbey?

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Lines 30-40 in Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey" describe how the memories of the landscape and the river have helped sustain the speaker during times of solitude and inner turmoil. The speaker reflects on the connection between nature and their own thoughts and emotions, finding solace and comfort in the continuity of the natural world.

How old was William Wordsworth when he wrote Daffodils?

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William Wordsworth was around 28 years old when he wrote "Daffodils" in 1804. The poem describes a memorable experience he had with his sister, Dorothy, when they came across a field of daffodils during a lake district walk.

Why was Wordsworth angry with the world?

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Wordsworth's anger with the world stemmed from his disillusionment with the societal changes brought on by the Industrial Revolution, which led to the destruction of nature and a disconnect from the natural world. He also criticized the materialism and urbanization that he believed were eroding human values and spiritual connection with the environment.

How does wordsworth tintern Abbey compare and contrast to coleridge the rime of the ancient mariner?

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Both "Tintern Abbey" by Wordsworth and "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Coleridge deal with themes of nature, spirituality, and the connection between humans and the natural world. However, while Wordsworth's poem focuses on the restorative power of nature and the joy of returning to a familiar place, Coleridge's poem explores the consequences of disrupting the natural order and the guilt and redemption that come with it. Additionally, Wordsworth's poem is more introspective and reflective, while Coleridge's poem is more fantastical and suspenseful.

What was the title Wordsworth was given in 1843 and what he did for that role?

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William Wordsworth was appointed as Poet Laureate in 1843. In this role, he was responsible for producing poetry specifically for royal and national occasions, as well as celebrating important events in the nation. Additionally, Wordsworth used his position to promote the importance of poetry in society.

Why does Wordsworth feel that poets should use simple and unelaborated expressions?

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Wordsworth believed that using simple and unelaborated expressions allowed poets to convey their emotions and thoughts in a more authentic and genuine way. He felt that this approach helped to connect with the natural and emotional experiences of readers, creating a deeper and more profound impact on their hearts and minds.

What is the alteration scheme in the poem the solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth?

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In "The Solitary Reaper" by William Wordsworth, the alteration scheme is ABABCDEDCDE. The poem features stanzas with a varied rhyme scheme, which adds to its lyrical and musical quality. Wordsworth's use of alternating rhymes helps to create a melodic rhythm that mimics the reaper's song.

What English author was not a romantic poet Samuel Taylor coleridge Percy bysshe Shelley William Wordsworth dr samual Johnson?

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Dr. Samuel Johnson was not a romantic poet. He was a prominent literary figure in the 18th century, known for his essays, criticism, and dictionary work, but he did not belong to the Romantic poetry movement.