

Bacon (food)

Bacon is cut from the back and sides of a pig; then dried, salted, and usually smoked. It is cut into thin slices and is a popular meat to serve at breakfast. It is also an ingredient in many recipes.

500 Questions

Who makes Kirkland bacon?

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Why do you call bacon bacon?

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A deep and intriguing question.

Bacon comes from hogs and can be cut and cured in a variety of ways. Different countries and cultures cut their bacon in different ways and different parts of the meat.

See the wikipedia explanation for all types of bacon that are available.

How long can Canadian bacon be kept at room temp?

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Bacteria can form on food left out longer than an hour. Actually, bacteria is already on food and it multiplies every 20 mins, if you refrigerate food the bacteria will multiply a lot slower, bacteria's ideal temp is around 30 degrees Celsius. You're best just leaving the bacon in the fridge.

How much does 8 slices bacon crisply cooked crumbled cost?

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As much as the place selling it charges. Most charge by weight. If I get a slice at Whole Foods, it's usually ~$1.25.

Is cooked bacon a high risk food?

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Yes, it is very true ! Avoid excess.

Does bacon take away 9 minutes of your life?

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No it does not. Unless you eat enough unhealthy food that you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity. Then eating bacon or foods like bacon could potentially cause you to have many health issues... then technically that would take time off of your life.

What were roger bacon two main contribution?

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He was the first European to describe in detail the process of making gunpowder, and he proposed flying machines and motorized ships and carriages. He therefore represents a historically precocious expression of the empirical spirit of experimental science, even though his actual practice of it seems to have been exaggerated. His philosophical thought was essentially Aristotelian, though he was critical of the methods of theologians, arguing that a more accurate experimental knowledge of nature would be of great value in confirming the Christian faith. He also wrote on mathematics and logic.

Where was bacon made?

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Bacon was first made in China in 1500 B.C.

What can happen if you live off bacon for 2 weeks?

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Nobody should try to survive off any one thing.

The human body is very complex and requires multiple sources of nutrients!


Is bacon unsaturated or saturated?

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There is no fat in spinach. Now creamed spinach is another story. EAT AS MUCH GREENS AS YOU WANT!

Why was bacon grease collected by the government during World War 2?

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There was much sacrifice during the war. Food, gasoline, and nylons were among some of the items that were rationed. Sugar was the first item to be rationed; canned goods were needed for armaments and cans for soldiers; nylon and silk stockings were used in the manufacture of parachutes and powder bags for Naval guns; and bacon grease was used in the manufacture of ammunition. During World War II, the Allied forces discovered that it carried unparalleled incendiary properties, and successfully deployed it to undermine the German V2 rocket program.

How does bacon look like?

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Raw pork is pinker than red meat such as beef, and when cooked becomes very pale, such that it is called "the other white meat" (besides chicken). When cured or smoked, as with ham, it retains its pink coloration.

(see related image)

Do you get food poisoning from out of date bacon?

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It depends.
This is a logic problem.
Sell by dates are recommendations, not strict guidelines.
If it's preserved the right way, sealed foods can last for frightening amounts of time.

The best way to tell is the most common sense, does it look and smell okay?

Is the package unopened, and you just haven't used it before the date?

If it's open, how long has it been?

And has it been properly refrigerated, or has it been sitting out?

What is the point of tofu bacon?

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It's an alternative to bacon so that people who can't eat the real thing can have the tofu version.
Um... I'm guess you don't like it, huh? That's okay, you don't have to eat it. But some people have either chosen not to or cannot eat bacon - this is so they don't feel left out.

Do you have to refrigerate unopened bacon packages?

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In a sense, its beef jerky and has no moisture to support the growth of bacteria.

Is bacon grease solidifying physical or chemical change?

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Frying bacon is a chemical change. In addition to simply heating the bacon, frying it causes certain molecules to react and change. For instance, some protein molecules may be broken down. This is why cold fried bacon tastes different than cold raw bacon.

Can Venus Flytraps eat bacon?

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Bacon is sure death for the trap. The grease from the bacon will coat the trap and it will begin to rot in short order.


In a famous research paper, by botanist, David Bellamy, it was found that after eating bacon, Venus Flytaps would mutate into a hybrid pig-like plant, much like the plant in Little Shop of Horrors.

Does smoky bacon flavored crisps contain bacon in it?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am a huge fan of bacon and I would honestly.

What state eats the most bacon?

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New York is the top bacon-consuming market in the United States, but as a city, not a state. LA (in California) is second. Because there are more people in NYC, they might win, but more than one city in California is high on the baconlust lists, so it is a toss up between New York and California. I'm guessing New York, but both deserve high praise... or strict warnings, depending on whether you are admiring flavor or warning about health risks. :)