


Academic Writing

Academic writing is a writing form that is usually serious, and intended for a critical and informed audience. It typically has an objective stance, a clear statement of the significance of the topic, and correctly utilizes formal academic rhetoric.

500 Questions

How does one write a speech?

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Asked by Wiki User

When writing a speech, start by identifying your main message and purpose. Create an outline with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Use anecdotes, facts, and quotes to support your main points, and remember to connect with your audience through engaging language and delivery. Practice your speech multiple times to ensure it flows smoothly and resonates with your listeners.

How should you write your representative speech?

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Asked by Wiki User

When writing a representative speech, focus on clear and concise language to convey your message effectively. Start with an introduction that grabs the audience's attention, follow with key points to support your main message, and end with a strong conclusion that reinforces your main ideas. Remember to tailor your speech to your audience and practice delivering it confidently.

When do you use a colon?

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Asked by Wiki User

The colon (: ) is a punctuation mark that has many uses. You can make use of it when:

-You are introducing a quotation without a "he/she said" expression.

-Before items following independent clauses.

-When you introduce a sentence that summarizes the sentence before it.

-When giving more emphasis o the appositive that you are introducing.

-When expressing time in numerals.

-In salutations at business.

-Subtitles of books, magazines, movies, etc.

-Biblical or periodical references (volumes, chapters, etc).

-Used to label or signal important ideas or words.

What is the difference between a soft break and a hard break in word processing?

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Asked by Wiki User

In word processing, a soft break (also known as a line break) is used to start a new line without starting a new paragraph. This allows text to continue on the next line without creating extra space between the two lines. A hard break (also known as a paragraph break or a carriage return) starts a new paragraph and adds extra space between the lines.

What are the differences between the words prohibit and inhibit?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Prohibit" means to formally forbid something, often through rules or laws, while "inhibit" means to hinder, restrain, or prevent something from happening. "Prohibit" is more about imposing a restriction or ban, whereas "inhibit" is about restricting or hampering a process or action.

What is an ethnography?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ethnomethodology (literally, 'the study of a people's (folk) methods') is a sociological discipline which examines the ways in which people make sense of their world, display this understanding to others, and produce the mutually shared social order in which they live

How does one's experience of being an outsider or a stranger to a culture affects one's understanding of the culture?

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Asked by Wiki User

Feeling like an outsider in a culture can provide a unique perspective as it allows one to observe and analyze the culture from an external viewpoint. This experience can lead to a deeper understanding of the culture's customs, values, and social dynamics. It can also foster empathy and awareness of the challenges faced by those who are marginalized within that culture.

What does inane mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Inane" means lacking sense or significance, often to the point of being silly or foolish. It refers to something that is trivial, empty, or meaningless.

Can you name all the words that start with the prefix octa?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some words that start with the prefix "octa" are octagon, octopus, octave, and octahedron.

Can you start a sentence with because?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can start a sentence with "because" to provide an explanation or reason for something. Just make sure the sentence structure is clear and logical.

What does pre manufactured components mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pre-manufactured components refer to parts or elements that are produced off-site in a controlled manufacturing environment before being delivered to the construction site for assembly. These components are designed to fit together seamlessly to facilitate faster construction and reduce on-site labor and material waste. Examples include pre-fabricated walls, roof trusses, and floor systems.

Can you give an example of a short oration speech?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Friends, family, and esteemed guests, thank you for joining us today to celebrate love, unity, and happiness. As we witness the union of [couple's names], let us all remember that love knows no boundaries and that together, we are stronger. May their journey ahead be filled with joy, laughter, and unwavering support for one another."

How do you write an explanation speech?

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Asked by Wiki User

To write an explanation speech, start by clearly outlining the topic you are explaining and the main points you will cover. Use a logical structure, such as chronological order or cause and effect. Include examples, evidence, and visuals to help clarify your points, and make sure to engage your audience by using clear language and a confident delivery.

Could you give examples of words that are synonyms and antonyms?

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Asked by Wiki User

Synonyms: Different words having the same or similar meaning.Synonyms for chasm: pit, gulf, abyss, gorge, gulch. Antonym: A word of opposite meaning. Usually, this implies that the words can be thought of as being on some kind of scale or cold The 'scale' or 'continuum' being some sense of heat, whether it is physical or figurative.

huge: tiny The 'scale' being size.

weighty: trivial The 'scale' being degree of importance.

up: down; and left: right The scale being relative direction.

peanut butter: jam Hmmm. Jam seems not to fit. Jam is no more 'opposite' peanut butter than is jet ski.

Words can be grouped together in many different ways; synonym and antonym describe just two basic ways. Peanut butter and jam are clearly related, aren't they? But they are neither synonyms nor are they antonyms.

happy and sad are antonyms

glad is a synonym for happy and another antonym for sad

sad is a synonym for depressed and an antonym for glad

Can you give many examples of synonyms?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sure, here are a few examples:

  1. Happy - Joyful
  2. Big - Large
  3. Fast - Quick
  4. Delicious - Tasty

Can you give examples of synonyms?

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Asked by Wiki User

synonym Two words are synonyms when they mean the same. Similarly two phrases or sentences are synonymous when they mean the same. The usual criterion is that meaning is preserved when they are substituted one for the other. Example: "Car and Automobile," or "Pretty and Beautiful," or "Chair and Seat."Viper1

What is grammatically correct you took a test or you gave a test?

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Asked by Wiki User

"You took a test" is grammatically correct. "You gave a test" would mean that you were the one administering the test to someone else.

What are some writing jobs?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many jobs out there for writers besides penning that bestselling novel!

Here are some more jobs that writers can have:

  • journalist
  • grant writer
  • technical writer
  • academic writer
  • public relations writer
  • copy writer or ad writer
  • song writer
  • editor
  • writing professor
  • poet
  • screenwriter
  • playwright
  • greeting card or slogan writer
  • science writer or medical writer
  • writing with computers (websites, video game writer, etc)
You might be a freelance writer who works for him- or herself, or you might sign on with a firm to do one of the above jobs.

What is the difference between constituency grammar and dependency grammar?

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Asked by Wiki User

Constituency grammar analyzes the structure of a sentence based on constituents (phrases and clauses), which are hierarchical units. Dependency grammar, on the other hand, focuses on the relationships between words in a sentence where each word is dependent on another in a tree-like structure. Constituency grammar emphasizes structure, while dependency grammar emphasizes dependencies among words.

When was a period at the end of a sentence first used?

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Asked by Wiki User

The use of a period to mark the end of a sentence can be traced back to the 3rd century BC in Ancient Greece. It became more widespread in written text during the Middle Ages in Europe.

How do you spell discretelty as in speaking discretely?

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Asked by Wiki User

The correct spelling is "discreetly." It means to behave in a careful and prudent manner in order to avoid causing embarrassment or attracting attention.

What does Downs as in Churchill Downs mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Downs" refers to a type of open expanse of rolling or hilly land, typically used as a location for horse racing tracks. In the case of Churchill Downs, it is named after John and Henry Churchill, who leased the land to be used for horse racing in the 19th century.

What do you mean by brief letter of inquiry?

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Asked by Wiki User

A brief letter of inquiry is a formal letter used to gather information or express interest in a product, service, or opportunity. It typically includes a concise introduction, purpose of inquiry, and a request for further information or action. It is often used in business settings to initiate communication or explore potential partnerships.

What is meant by the term or use of WOULD HAVE BEEN in English grammar sentence?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Would have been" is a past tense modal verb construction used to indicate a hypothetical or unreal situation in the past that did not happen. It is often used to discuss regrets, speculations, or imaginings regarding past events.