


Age of Consent & Underage Relationships

Questions here pertain to age of consent laws, which is the legal age at which an individual can legally engage is sexual contact, in the US and other countries.

500 Questions

Is a seventy year old man considered old?

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Asked by Wiki User

It could be considered to be old, but not very old.

How do you know when you have a good boyfriend?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well he's a person who listens to you, someone who cares about you and picks you up when your down!!!

well you would know if he is a good boyfriend because he wont just rush you to having sex an if he dont want to wait then he is not the one a real boyfriend is someone who cares about you who an someone really love you not because he tells you he loves you he have to show it

he will listen to you and be around you all the time he will try to make you lagh, if he dose kiss him and if he puts some phisical distance between you after he is trying to respect your body, if he puts his hands on the small of your back and pulls you closer and therfor kissing you for longer he is ether realy into you or he is just using you

Hope you find true love hugs and kisses! xxx :)

When will the romeo and Juliet law come to Illinois?

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Asked by Wiki User

Illinois passed a Romeo and Juliet law in 2011, which provides a close-in-age exemption for consensual sexual relationships between minors. The law allows for reduced penalties for certain sexual offenses involving minors close in age to each other.

Can you marry someone who is 20 years older than you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can marry someone who is 20 years older than you as long as both individuals are of legal age and consent to the marriage. Age difference alone does not prevent individuals from getting married.

Can a 16-year-old girl have a relationship with a 26-year-old man?

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Asked by Wiki User

While it is not illegal for a 16-year-old to have a relationship with a 26-year-old in some places, there are ethical concerns related to the significant age difference and power dynamics. It's important to consider factors such as maturity levels, legal implications, and whether the relationship is healthy and consensual. It is advisable for individuals to seek guidance from trusted adults or professionals in such situations.

Is it wrong for an 18-year-old girl to marry a 60-year-old man?

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Asked by Dennisbabygurl

The significant age difference may raise concerns about unequal power dynamics and maturity levels. It's important to consider the potential for exploitation or manipulation in such relationships, as well as the impact on the individuals involved. Consulting with loved ones and seeking guidance from professionals can help gain clarity in such situations.

If a 17-year-old impregnates a 14-year-old and the parents plan to press charges will the young man definitely go to prison?

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Asked by Wiki User

The outcome will depend on the laws in the jurisdiction where the incident occurred. In many places, sexual activity between a 17-year-old and a 14-year-old may be considered statutory rape, even if it was consensual, due to the age difference. The young man could face charges and potential consequences, such as probation, counseling, or, in more severe cases, detention.

Can a 16-year-old girl marry a 29-year-old man in nc?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the legal age of marriage in North Carolina is 18. Individuals under 16 cannot marry, and individuals aged 16 or 17 can only marry with parental consent and court approval under certain circumstances.

Can a 15-year-old girl marry a 20-year-old man in Arkansas?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, in Arkansas the legal age for marriage is 18 without parental consent. If the girl is 15, she cannot legally marry a 20-year-old man in the state of Arkansas.

Does Tennessee have a romeo and Juliet law?

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Yes, Tennessee has a "Romeo and Juliet" law which provides a close-in-age exemption for consensual sexual activity between minors who are within a certain age range of each other. This law helps protect teenagers from being prosecuted as sex offenders for engaging in consensual relationships with peers close to their age.

Is there a romeo and Juliet law in Idaho?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Idaho has a "Romeo and Juliet" law that provides some leniency in cases where both parties are close in age and engaged in consensual sexual activity. This law aims to prevent harsh penalties for individuals involved in such relationships.

Who is tom masters?

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Tom Masters is a fictional character created by users in online forums to represent the average person or expert in a particular field. There is no definitive person by that name known to the general public.

Is it possible to marry at 15 in England if your parents gardians agree?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the legal age to marry in England is 16. Parental or guardian consent cannot permit someone under 16 to get married in England.

What is the youngest age of consent in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to, the youngest is Nigeria: 11 years old.

The countries with the next youngest are Philippines and Angola at 12 years old.

A further breakdown in country count:

  • 13 years old - 5 countries
  • 14 years old - 32 countries
  • 15 years old - 25 countries
  • 16 years old - 76 countries
  • 17 years old - 5 countries
  • 18 years old - 40 countries
  • 19 years old - Niue
  • 20 years old - South Korea
  • 21 years old - Bahrain

There are countries that have not specified an age of consent, but they must be married. Those countries include:

  • Saudi Arabia
  • Yemen
  • UAE
  • Oman
  • Libya
  • Sudan
  • Iran
  • Kuwait
  • Afghanistan
  • Pakistan
  • Maldives
  • Palestine Gaza Strip
  • Qatar

What do you mean by minor?

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"Minor" typically refers to an individual under the legal age of adulthood, usually under 18 years old. It can also refer to something that is of lesser importance or significance compared to something else.

How do you brake a virginity of young girl?

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It is important to remember that non-consensual sexual activity, including forcibly “breaking” a virgin's hymen, is illegal and unethical. Consent is the foundation of any sexual activity, and it is essential to prioritize and respect a person’s autonomy and boundaries. Consent should always be given freely, willingly, and enthusiastically by all parties involved. If you are uncertain about how to approach sexual relationships, it is important to seek guidance and education on healthy and respectful behavior.

Is it ok for a 14 year old to be confuse over sexual orintation?

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Asked by Camdenmason18707

Yes, it is completely normal for a 14-year-old to feel confused about their sexual orientation. Puberty is a time of significant self-exploration and discovery, and many young people are still figuring out their identities. It's important for them to have a supportive environment to navigate these feelings.

If i'm 14 and he's 23 is that bad?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a relationship between a 14-year-old and a 23-year-old is not appropriate due to the significant age difference and power dynamics involved. It is important to wait until both individuals are of legal age and in a similar stage of life to pursue a romantic relationship.

How can a boy get sexual pleasure without doing any sexual activity?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sexual pleasure can be achieved through activities that stimulate the mind and body, such as fantasies, erotic literature, or watching explicit content. It's important to remember that exploring one's sexuality should be done ethically and responsibly.

Who is daisya hadden?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is limited information available on Daisya Hadden. It is possible that the individual may not be a publicly known figure or their information is not widely documented.

How do you get an 18 year old to date a 12 year old?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is completely inappropriate and illegal for an 18-year-old to date a 12-year-old. It is important to ensure the safety and well-being of both individuals involved. Encourage healthy relationships with peers of a similar age group.

Is it okay to sex-chat with a 17 year old girl?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it is not okay to engage in sexual conversations with a minor. This behavior is illegal and considered exploitation of a minor. It is important to always prioritize the safety and well-being of young individuals.

What is the age of consent for teenager in the state of Kentucky?

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Asked by Wiki User

The age of consent in Kentucky is 16 years old. This means that individuals who are at least 16 years old can legally consent to sexual activity.

Is it illegal for a 28 year old man to text a 14 year old girl sexually fantasies?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is illegal for an adult to engage in sexual communication with a minor. This behavior can be considered grooming and exploitation and may result in criminal charges. It is important to report such behavior to the authorities to protect the minor and prevent further harm.