


Endangered, Vulnerable, and Threatened Species

This category is for endangered species, under any status, on the three major International Endangered Species lists. Information concerning the individual lists, status, causes, and any predictions for the future of these animals, combined with physical and behavioral details.

500 Questions

If raccoons were extinct what would happen?

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Raccoons prey on rodents, so there would be a population increase in rats and mice, and there would also be more insects, since raccoons eat also. More insects can cause crop loss due to insects eating the crops. Raccoons also distribute seeds from foraging, so plant life would decrease. There would be one less type of meal for wolves and bears. There would also be less rabies around the woodlands and cities.

Who is the author of how the tiger got its stripes?

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Do you mean "How the Leopard Got His Spots"? Rudyard Kipling wrote it.

When species dies out is?

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Many species become classified as endangered species when they are dying out.

As he looks back at the events narrated in Shooting an Elephant Orwell admits that he shot the elephant because?

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he felt pressured to uphold his reputation in front of the Burmese locals who expected him to act decisively. Despite his moral qualms about shooting the elephant, the pressure to assert his authority and maintain control over the situation led him to ultimately pull the trigger.

Who wrote the tiger tiger burning bright in the forests of the night poem?

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The poem "The Tyger" was written by William Blake, an English poet, in 1794. It explores themes of creation, beauty, and the mystery of existence through the imagery of a tiger.

What does it mean to be shrouded?

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To be shrouded means to be obscured or enveloped, typically in a covering or veil. It can refer to being hidden from view or concealed in some way.

What consequences result from the mariner's killing of the albatross in the Rime Of The Ancient Mariner?

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The killing of the albatross in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" leads to a series of supernatural events, including being cursed and haunted by spirits. The mariner is left isolated at sea with his shipmates dying, and he is forced to wear the albatross around his neck as a symbol of his guilt. Ultimately, he learns the importance of repentance and appreciation for all living things.

Jack's choirboys become his hunters because?

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Jack's choirboys become his hunters in "Lord of the Flies" because they are drawn to his charisma and leadership, which becomes more focused on violence and power as the story progresses. Their loyalty shifts from Ralph, the original leader, to Jack and his savage tribe as they succumb to their primal instincts and desires for dominance on the island.

What special abilities do pandas have?

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Pandas have a unique "thumb" that helps them grip bamboo, their primary food source. They also have a strong sense of smell that helps them find food and communicate with other pandas. Additionally, pandas have strong jaw muscles to chew tough bamboo.

What are some good poems of a shrimp?

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In the deep sea's embrace, A shrimp dances with grace. Tiny and bright, In the ocean's light.

Shrimp scurry on the sand, Like a delicate hand. Under the moon's soft glow, In the ocean's ebb and flow.

What is the central theme of King Canute poem by William Makepeace?

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The central theme of the poem "King Canute" by William Makepeace Thackeray is the futility of human arrogance and the inevitability of nature's power. It illustrates how even a powerful king like Canute cannot control the forces of the natural world, such as the tides. The poem serves as a cautionary tale about humility and the limits of human authority.

How do you get out of speaking in public in class?

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It is important to communicate with your teacher about your discomfort and see if alternative arrangements can be made. Additionally, practicing and preparing your speech can help you feel more confident. Remember, facing your fear of public speaking can ultimately help you grow and improve your skills.

Why might a shopper be careful to save all sales receipts?

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A shopper might save all sales receipts for reasons such as being able to return or exchange items easily, keep track of purchases for budgeting purposes, and to have proof of purchase in case of warranty claims or disputes.

What is an oompaloompa?

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An Oompa Loompa is a fictional character from Roald Dahl's book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." They are small orange-skinned individuals who work in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory and are known for their love of singing and dancing. In the book, they help run the factory and keep it running smoothly.

Where to find Bhavishya Purana in English?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find the Bhavishya Purana in English translation online on various platforms such as,, and Amazon. Additionally, some academic libraries may also carry English translations of the Bhavishya Purana.

Why this irrational hatred of North Americans?

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It's important to note that not all individuals hold this hatred. However, some people may have negative perceptions based on historical events, cultural differences, political actions, or personal experiences. Building understanding through communication and education can help address and hopefully reduce such sentiments.

How do you write a bibliography for an image taken from a website?

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Asked by Wiki User

To write a bibliography entry for an image taken from a website, you would need to include the creator's name (if available), the title or description of the image, the website name, the URL, and the date you accessed the image. The format may vary depending on the citation style you are using, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. Make sure to check the specific guidelines for the citation style you are using to ensure accuracy.

How offspring is produced on a tiger?

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When a mommy and a daddy tiger meet each other on heat a tiger cub is produced some months later

What is a similarity in the respiration of the whale and the guppy?

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The resparatory system between fish and human is very different in its physical sense, but the need for oxygen is the same. Fish inhale oxygen rich H2O and their gills divide the water from the oxygen. Fish gills expell all other components except oxygen. Humans enhale air and our lungs divide all other components and expell it except oxygen.

Is a lion endangered?

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No. No other mammal is known by so many names. Puma, cougar, panther, catamount are all names for Felis Concolor, the mountain lion. As a species, the mountain lion is not endangered, but is listed as "Least Concern' by the IUCN.

Only the race in Florida, known as "Florida panther" is endangered, and even it has recovered slightly.

When was there a ban for hunting sea otters fur?

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The ban on hunting sea otters for their fur took place in 1911 with the signing of the International Fur Seal Treaty. This treaty, also known as the North Pacific Fur Seal Convention, was signed by the United States, Russia, Japan, and the United Kingdom. It aimed to address the overhunting of fur seals and sea otters in the North Pacific region. The ban on sea otter hunting was part of conservation efforts to protect these species from further depletion due to excessive harvesting for their valuable fur.

I hope that this helps!

How much does an African tiger fish weigh?

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it can weight up to 500 to 1000 pounds. maybe more

Do scarlet Macaws have ears?

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Yes they do, but they don’t have an external ear like humans do. Theirs ears are just holes hidden under their feathers. If a bird trusts you a lot it will ask you to rub and scratch its ears and cheeks, this is something they love!