

Slugs and Snails

Characterized by their shell and slow movement, snails are a common garden dweller and even a delicacy in some countries. Snails without shells are called slugs.

500 Questions

Will a baby snail die if its snail shell is chipped?

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yes a baby snail will die if it's shell is chipped because a snail shell is very delicate and so is the snail.

Are there slug poem?

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I'd mountain climb

I'd rap in rhyme.

I'd bronco ride

And paraglide

Over playground slides

And have some spills and thrills.

While drinking a bowl of doggy drools

I'd take a trip

By a midget rocket ship

To soar among,

Some cattle's dung.

I'd travel free

Past Mercury

That had leaked

From a cracked battery

The books I'd write!

The bulls I'd fight!

The places I would go!

If only I-

Were quick and spry

Instead of sad and slow.

Alas, it seems,

Despite my dreams,

I'll have to pull the plug

On all I ache

To undertake

"For I am just a Slug."

This is what the slug slug said:

The slug dream

Oh, I'm a Slug

A lowly bug.

Who never does a thing.

Although I'd like

To ride a bike,

Or maybe learn to sing.

My dream was to grow

A centimeter tall

Or just as round,

As golf ball

And if I could

With my giant brain

I would explore the sky

While I'm hung by a crane

I'd become a master spy.

Then go and get

A fighter jet

And really learn to fly.

I'd mountain climb.

I'd rap in rhyme.

I'd bronco ride

And paraglide

Over playground slides

And have some spills and thrills.

While drinking a bowl of doggy drools

I'd take a trip

By a midget rocket ship

To soar among,

Some cattle's dung.

I'd travel free

Past Mercury

That had leaked

From a cracked battery

The books I'd write!

The bulls I'd fight!

The places I would go!

If only I-

Were quick and spry

Instead of sad and slow.

Alas, it seems,

Despite my dreams,

I'll have to pull the plug

On all I ache

To undertake

"For I am just a Slug."

But dreams don't end

I have my pen

I'll write you more about me

My life is gooey

I get eaten by tui's!!!

I slide and dive

Or hide and cry

And try no to die

I look insane

With giant brains

but it all seems to be true

people eat me

with a lot of joy

if only I could employ

but most of all

I am "the" sluggy ball

But its what i pay

To save my day

i use to be

a honey bee

until tiger li

came with a giant sea

and swished me all away

I tried traveled fast

Through all my past

But only managed to see

My eyes are small


I Sailed (snail) across

With my only boss

Who seems to be

The sea

He tells me all

In my time im as I grow tall

But all that to find

That I haven't grown at all

The following poems are not made by me

I just found them interesting

Enjoy the slug poems 3 and 4:

Poem 3

What do slug do?

I can see visions of you

within my mind you slug

digging deeper and deeper

for what?... i do not know

a seeker without a thought

to follow and sneak

is all you seek

to touch and destroy

is what you enjoy

never caring for the day

for it to worm your way...

and havoc destruction

and it's payback day….

Poem 4

The wronger effects of the slug Vs Mr. Salt:

This was not completly

It was half mine half made by a guy called:


Oozing with greed

and slithering with smugness

the green gardens of earth

soon became slug less

for they wouldn't part with their beloved salt

salt that made them real high

so chill and at peace

that they loved it until they died

this is a fate which bodes ill

beware to all those with a vice

it starts with a taste

a beginning of greats

but the ending isn't so nice

it wasn't a single grain that dried

that left them wilted

and leathery inside

but merely a habit of thrills

which allowed them to shrivel and die

so before you attempt

precluding indulgence

learn from the slugs who tried

(copyright Ramond)

Poem 5:

i am a slug

a slimmy bug

who has a brain

the size of a grain

my dream was to hack

and have a straight back

but i know i'll never

for the slug is not clever

but a slug has a life

a very slow life

he would slime around

on his slimmy ground

but best of all

the slug is called

the braniac chewbucca

he has that name

its always the same

that is what i'll tell you

mr brain

is always the same

his little speed games

he nibbles for years

on his little fears

but most of all

the dreaded falls

come from Mr salt

for slug do have faults

he once touch it

it was a giant pit

he karate chopped

and did a flip flop

but was only just too slow

he managed one step

after 100 tensing sec's

after all he is no better

for I am just a slug…

Poem 6:

I am a slug

Who lives in jug

Covered in slime

And looks like lime

Day by day

He waits till may

For he the slug

The only bug

Knows time is not his way

Like a lost boat

He takes no note

Of how fast time

makes other's climb

for slugs

are bugs

who live a life

in centuries and years

the slug is special

or a bit too special

he takes ages

to say phases

he walks like rust

and crumble to dust

but always leaves the teeth

he has giant teeth

like two limousines

with carrots in between

his dream was run

or have some fun

and at less try to walk

though time is fast

and Slugs always last

so why bother to help him


The slug is slime

The slime is gross

Gross is poo

Poo is dung

Dung is wrong

Wrong is idiot

Idiot is a small brain

Small brain is slug

Slug is Chewbacca

Chewbacca is Steven

Steven is a braniac

Braniac is:


6 carry on

But I am no man

I get hit by pans

The aching pain

Of my tiny grain

Is no exception

From my valuation

But the root of all

Is sad and small

The lowly call

Of the slowly brawl

From the braniac Chewbacca

He use to be tall

But now's super small


Is just a slimy slug

For I am just a slug

But he is just

A gooey gust

With a giant brain

With a perfect name

Called Doctor -Steven -brainiac-Chewbacca

If you think they are okay (that means it not too sad and mean to slug) then please comment if on an email and send it to tiger

Thanks for reading!

This was make on: 07/08/2011

Does a conch have legs?

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No, a conch does not have legs. Conchs are marine snails that have a spiral-shaped shell and a large muscular foot that they use to move along the ocean floor.

Is conch slimy?

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The conch mentioned in Lord of the Flies is a conch shell, so it wouldn't be slimy at all. The creature which originally lived inside the shell was a type of mollusc (a sea snail) and it would have been slimy.

How long is the longest slug in the world?

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The longest slug in the world is the Limax cinereoniger, which can reach up to 30 centimeters in length.

Do snails like to be held?

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Snails: Do They Like to Be Held?


In the vast tapestry of the animal kingdom, snails often find themselves at the periphery of human fascination. These slow-moving, shell-toting creatures seem to lead unassuming lives, quietly going about their business in gardens and forests. However, a curious question often arises among those who observe these gastropods: Do snails like to be held?

Understanding Snails:

To comprehend whether snails enjoy being held, it's essential to delve into the intric

acies of their anatomy and behavior. Snails belong to the phylum Mollusca and are characterized by their spiral shells, muscular foot, and a radula – a unique structure resembling a tongue with small, file-like teeth. These creatures have adapted to diverse environments, from damp forests to arid deserts, showcasing their remarkable resilience.

Snails are not social creatures in the traditional sense, as they typically lead solitary lives. Their primary activities include foraging for food, mating, and finding suitable shelter. Despite their seemingly simple existence, snails exhibit fascinating behaviors that capture the attention of both casual observers and avid naturalists.

Sensory Perception in Snails:

To determine if snails appreciate being held, one must consider their sensory perception. Snails rely on a combination of touch, taste, and smell to navigate their surroundings. Their sensitive foot, equipped with numerous nerve endings, allows them to detect changes in texture and temperature, aiding in their quest for food and suitable habitats.

While snails lack a developed visual system, they possess two pairs of tentacles – one pair for olfaction and the other for detecting light and shadows. These sensory organs play a crucial role in helping snails identify potential threats or opportunities in their environment.

Do Snails Like to Be Held?

The notion of whether snails enjoy being held is a subject of debate among enthusiasts and researchers. Unlike dogs or cats, snails do not possess the same level of cognitive complexity, making it challenging to attribute emotions to them. However, some observations suggest that snails might exhibit responses to being handled.

One factor to consider is the potential stress that handling can induce in snails. Their delicate bodies and slow movements make them susceptible to injury if not handled with care. The slime produced by snails serves various purposes, including facilitating movement, aiding in reproduction, and offering protection against predators. Excessive handling can lead to stress, causing snails to produce more slime as a defensive mechanism.

On the contrary, some snail owners report positive interactions with their pets. Some snails may become accustomed to being held, displaying a sense of calmness when gently cradled. This behavior could be attributed to the warmth and stability of the human hand, creating a sense of security for the snail.

Snail Bonding: Myth or Reality?

While it might be tempting to anthropomorphize snails and assume they enjoy human interaction, it's crucial to acknowledge the limitations of understanding their emotions. Snails do not possess the same neural complexity as mammals, and their responses to external stimuli are primarily instinctual.

However, there are cases where snails in captivity appear to recognize their owners, demonstrating a form of bonding. This recognition may stem from associating the owner with positive experiences, such as a consistent food source or a comfortable habitat. The concept of snails enjoying being held might be more accurately described as them tolerating or becoming accustomed to human interaction.

Tips for Handling Snails:

For those interested in interacting with snails, it's essential to follow some guidelines to ensure the well-being of these delicate creatures:

  1. Handle with Care: Snails have fragile shells and bodies, so it's crucial to be gentle when picking them up. Avoid sudden movements or squeezing, as this can cause stress and potential harm.

  2. Clean Hands: Wash your hands thoroughly before handling snails to remove any substances that might be harmful to them. Chemical residues or strong scents can be detrimental to their health.

  3. Limit Interaction: While some snails may tolerate handling, it's essential to keep interactions brief to minimize stress. Frequent or prolonged handling can disrupt their natural behaviors and lead to increased slime production.

  4. Provide a Suitable Environment: Ensure that the snail's habitat meets its specific needs, including appropriate humidity, temperature, and a variety of food options. A comfortable and well-maintained environment contributes to the overall well-being of the snail...Goto: Gbenga naturefarms on YouTube for more on snails.

A snail climbs up a wall 20 feet high. Each day the snail climbs 5 feet but each night he slips backwards 4 feet. How many days will iy yake for the snail to get to the top of the wall?

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16 days is the correct answer. The snail can go 5 feet each day... and slides back 4 each night. He will get to the 19th foot on the 15th DAY but will slide back to the 15 foot mark on the 15th NIGHT. He will climb 5 feet on the 16th day, reaching the 20 foot mark.

What is another name for invasive species?

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A noxious weed is another term for an invasive plant species.

How do slugs give birth?

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Slugs are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs. When slugs mate, they exchange sperm with each other. After mating, each slug can fertilize its own eggs. Slugs lay eggs in clusters or capsules, often hidden in moist and sheltered areas like soil, under rocks, or in vegetation. The eggs hatch, and young slugs emerge from these capsules, completing their development outside the parent slug's body.

How do you care for a pregnant snail?

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The first thing to do once your water snail has given birth is FEED THE BABY SNAILS!!If the baby snails do not eat within the first 12 HOURS they will soon die.The next thing you should do is to separate the babies from the parents, THE PARENTS WILL EAT THE BABIES!Take really good care of your babies and they can live up to a few years.Also, ask your friends if they want a few snails, OR you could try to create a snail farm (see if you can make a new breed!) snails are really great pets and don't need much caring! Also something that's really important: DONT OVER FEED!!!Your snail will like goldfish flakey food (mine do!) or Hikari Algae Wafers are also tasty to them.Just remember show your snails lots of care!

How is a bird that eats snails suited to the place in which it lives?

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The birds appear to spread the snails they have eaten via excrement, allowing the mollusks to travel much greater distances than they could crawling on their own

What is the Latin word for slug?

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The Latin word for "slug" is limax (-acis, m. or f.).

There are many latinesque scientific names for particular species of slug, but these are too numerous to list here.

The answer "gliemzies" that can be found here and there on the Internet is incorrect, and appears to be purely an artifact of an earlier WikiAnswers answer. In fact this is a Latvian word, not a Latin one.

How do male and female snails mate?

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Some species of snail can reproduce alone because they are hermaphrodites IE. they posses both male and female reproductive organs.

they can change what sex they want to be and make babies.

What if your snails shell is changing from a dark color to a light color?

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then you can tellthat it growing or it having babies

Where do moon snails lay there eggs?

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they live on beaches

What eats a jeweled top snail?

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a shark or bigger things.

What is the function of the cilia in land snails?

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the cilia draws water into the mantle cavity

Can pet sea snails eat fish food?

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Many types of snails are scavengers, and will eat fish food and any organic matter they find around the aquarium. However, many snails are herbivorous, and will ignore all food with the exception of plant matter. So it really depends on whether your snails are scavengers, predators, or herbivores.

What are the long tentacles on a snail for?

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The two tentacles that stick out are the eyes of the snail. The two lower and smaller tentacles on the sides of a snail are their feelers. Don't touch their tentacles and make the snail feel safe and secure in their habitat. Don't handle your snail/snails roughly and be sure that the things you do to the snail or to the habitat will be safe to the snail.

What is a snails favourite food?

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If you are wondering what a snails favourite food is the answer is lettuce. If you have a snail at home you could try feeding them different foods like rotten fruit and crunchy things like cucumber or apple.

What kind of circulatory system does a snail have?

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It goes round and round its body .

Where is the snail in the I SPY extreme challenger?

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The snail is right by Harry's Test. It's the shell next to it.

How do snails get a bigger shell?

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They dont grow them, they find them. When they are born, they have to find a small enough shell for them that is comfortable to wear. As snails get older and grow bigger, they have to find a new, bigger shell because they outgrew their old one.

Does a caterpillar eat snails?

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Some snails are capable of eating other animals but very few are. Some catterpillars are venomous and can kill their enemy. So I'm sure that they can but are warned but their distinctive colors.

Is a snail a native species or an invasive species?

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an invasive specie is an animal that is dangerous to an ecosystem. so a snail might be an invasive specie to one ecosystem, but to another, they may be part of the ecosystem.

No that is completely wrong a invasive species is a species that came to one place from another place and it doesn't belong Dont listen to that idiot it isn't an invasive species it's from North America and so no it is not. Now theres a real answer.