



The Cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus, is a member of the cat family, Felidae. They hunt by sight and speed, rather than by stealth typical of other big cats. The fastest of all terrestrial animals reaching speeds of over 110 km/hour (60 mph) in short bursts, it is the only cat that cannot completely retract its claws.

500 Questions

Is there day and night in heaven?

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Concepts of day and night, as we understand them on Earth, may not apply in the same way in the context of heaven, as it is often depicted as a realm beyond the physical world. Different religious and spiritual beliefs offer various interpretations of the nature of heaven, and whether it experiences day and night is subject to interpretation or may not be addressed at all.

What is the largest meat eater in the world?

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Mapusaurus is the biggest meat-eater in the world. look at

Is a cheetah a decomposer?

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How long can a cheetah live without food?

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40-45 days, on occations, however leprdo is more important in this insted, go lepardo.

What is dangerous for a cheetahs survival?

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Poachers, lions killing cubs, hyenas taking kills. Also, in one point in history there were only a handfull left so now the cheetahs have been close bred which makes certain diseases/illnesses more common for them now than back then.

Why do male cheetahs leave the female cheetahs?

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yes they mate and then leave and they most of the time never see that female ever again.

the female is left to take care of herself and the cubs it is really quite sad if you think about it! so the simple answer is YES


also female cheetahs become aggresive when they are pregnant and send the male away, because they dont want the male around when the cubs are born in case he decides to kill them

Is a cheetah's penis spotted?

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The fur is spotted, the penis is not.

When did cheetahs become extinct?

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Cheetahs in Africa have not yet become extinct, but that may happen soon given habitat loss and poaching. There are prehistoric cheetahs that have been discovered in North America that went extinct relatively recently (in the last 25,000 years).

What would be a clever slogan for the cheetahs?

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Cruelty is one fashion statement we can all do without.

Why is the cheetah a generalist?

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The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. They can outrun any animal. In the grasslands, there are tall grasses. The cheetah can hide in those grasses and when the prey is near, they can chase it. So basically, the cheetah is well suited for life in the grasslands because they can hide in the tall grasses and they can run fast.

What special features does a cheetah use to catch its prey?

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Cheetahs use their speed and camouflage to hunt prey. Gazelle's, Impala and Springbok are the usual prey species as they are around the size that a cheetah can catch and kill.

They lie hidden in the grass and move close to its unsuspecting prey. When they are around 100 to 200 meters near the prey, they pick up a burst of speed and tackle the prey. They go for the throat thereby suffocating the prey

Is a cheetah a kitten?

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Well cheetah young aren't exactly kittens a better word would be cub.

What is as big as an cheetah but weighs nothing?

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Yourself in outer space.

Your reflection.

Your shadow.

Are there female king cheetahs?

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There are "King Cheetahs" which are very rare, but have more of a smeared spotted coat. There aren't any Queen cheetahs, but for the most part, they are just referred to as cheetahs.

Does a cheetah eat a goat?

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Given an opportunity yes. But, the cheetah is too small to even bring down a giraffe calf. However, if they spot an injured calf or an already dead carcass, they will happily eat them

not one cheetah but if they were going to starve with nothing else to eat but a giraffe maybe but there would need to be about 12 cheetahs to take the giraffe maybe 15 cheetahs - and cheetahs don't hunt in packs - so no.

Are male cheetahs more aggressive than females?

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No why would you think that? The fact that males are more aggressive than females has to do with biological, psychological, and social factors. Research shows in addition that males are more likely than females to behave in an aggressive manner. There is evidence that differences in socialization, cognition and personality may help explain gender-based disparity in rates of anti-social, as well as violent behaviors. Gender differences in cognition, socialization, and behavior may exist as early as infancy. This is when boys are able to express themselves at a higher rate. Infant girls show greater control over their emotions, whereas boys are more easily angered and depend more on inputs from their mother's. Psychologist show that the ways which females and males are socialized affect their development. Males learn to value independence, while females are taught that their self-worth depends on their ability to maintain relationships. Although there are a few differences in aggression during the first few years of life, girls are socialized to be less aggressive than boys are. In connection girls are supervised more closely than boys are. Males are more likely to display physical aggression, while females display relational aggression. For example girls will tend to exclude disliked peers from playgroups. As girls mature they learn to respond to provocation by feeling anxious, unlike boys, who are encouraged to retaliate. Overall, women are much more likely to feel distressed than men are. Although both sexes get angry as often as one another, a lot of females have been educated to blame themselves for their feelings. Females are therefore much more likely to respond to anger with feelings of depression, anxiety and shame. Female's fear that anger will harm relationships, and males are encouraged to react to anger with moral outrage, in addition to blaming other's for their discomforts. Females are also more likely than a male to be targets of sexual abuse and physical abuse. The female victims of such abuse who suffer more seriously from the attacks, have their self- images damaged. The victims also find it hard to build autonomy and life skills.

Males view aggression as an appropriate means to gain status. Boys are also more likely to socialize with deviant peers. When boys socialize with prodigious peers they display personality traits that make them more susceptible to delinquency. A researcher by the name of Jean Botcher found that youth males believe their roles are to be more dominant than youth females. The male perception of power, the ability to have freedom and spend time with their friends, act as an aid in explaining the gender differences in delinquency. Girls are shielded by moral sense, which directs them away from harming other's. The ethical sensitivity may counterbalance the effects of family issues. Females are known to display more self-control than males, which is a factor of criminality. Females are more verbally skilled, which is a skill that can help them in dealing with obstacles they may come across without reacting with violence. When girls are aggressive, they are more likely than males to hide their behavior from adults. Girls are expected to from closer relationship's with their friends and to share feelings, boys tend to act out on their feelings in inappropriate ways.

How do DOGS protect themselves from danger?

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Dogs protect themselves from danger in a couple of ways. One way to is to curl up and become submissive, and small. Another way is with their barking and growling. They do this to scare away danger.

What are a cheetah's pros?

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Cheetahs can be used for hunting, much as falcons are.

Cheetahs are beautiful animals.

Cheetahs are very fast on their feet.

Cheetahs in the wild often are chased away from their kill, leaving food for scavengers that could not have otherwise taken that prey themselves.

From the lighter side: They are well-spotted.

Is a cheetah more popular than a lion?

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A cheetah is because a cheetah can run faster and can jump higher than a lion.

What is another term used to describe plant eaters?

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Plants: Herbivores


What do cheetah predators do to the cheetah?

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The main predators that hunt cheetahs are us, humans. It is really quite horrible actually because they either skin them for bags, boots, rugs, etc.

Is a black mamba faster than a cheetah?

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While a snake may be able to move faster than a cheetah in a short burst (such as striking at prey), a cheetah has the fastest sustained land speed of any animal on earth (70+ mph). However, many birds are able to reach air speeds well in excess of 100 mph.