


Oceans and Seas

Oceans are the largest bodies of water that cover about 72 percent of the Earth's surface. Seas are large bodies of water that border the land and the oceans, and are sometimes lakes, which are landlocked seas.

500 Questions

Why are sea water salty?

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Asked by Wiki User

because the river flowing into it passes through salty rock, so it picks it up and deposits it in the dead sea

Not exactly. The Mediterranean Sea has dried out completely no less than four times. When that happens, it leaves a huge layer of evaporated salt behind. The land on the eastern side of the Mediterranean has also risen (because of geologic forces) and the result today is a lake sitting on the salt deposit. That salt deposit is in a physical depression and has no outlet. It is like a bowl made of salt holding water.

What homes do animals live in the ocean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Homes? Most just swim around but some live in shells, rocks and/or come on land to rest.

Do lakes and rivers have more freshwater than ground water?

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Asked by Wiki User

No groundwater have freshwater than lakes and rivers

Is Mediterranean Sea larger than the Hudson Bay?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, the Mediterranean Sea is larger than Hudson Bay

What is the poem with these lines Till a' the seas gang dry my dear And the rocks melt wi' the sun I will luve thee still my dear While the sands o' life shall run?

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Asked by Wiki User

The poem is "A Red, Red Rose" by Robert Burns. It expresses enduring love that will last even until the end of time. The speaker promises to love their dear one eternally, even as the natural world undergoes dramatic changes.

Which of the worlds ocean is the youngest?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Arctic Ocean is considered the youngest of the world's oceans. It formed approximately 65 million years ago as a result of tectonic plate movements that created the deep basin that now holds the Arctic Ocean.

Can a 16-year-old girl have a relationship with a 26-year-old man?

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Asked by Wiki User

While it is not illegal for a 16-year-old to have a relationship with a 26-year-old in some places, there are ethical concerns related to the significant age difference and power dynamics. It's important to consider factors such as maturity levels, legal implications, and whether the relationship is healthy and consensual. It is advisable for individuals to seek guidance from trusted adults or professionals in such situations.

Can a 16-year-old girl marry a 29-year-old man in nc?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the legal age of marriage in North Carolina is 18. Individuals under 16 cannot marry, and individuals aged 16 or 17 can only marry with parental consent and court approval under certain circumstances.

Can a 15-year-old girl marry a 20-year-old man in Arkansas?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, in Arkansas the legal age for marriage is 18 without parental consent. If the girl is 15, she cannot legally marry a 20-year-old man in the state of Arkansas.

What are the words for poem The Sea - Splashing Dashing Restless Sea?

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Asked by Wiki User

Splashing ,dashing ,restless sea,

Never still you seem to be :

Sometimes angry, sometimes sad,

Sometimes you laugh as though you glad.

Little children love you well,

Love all the wondrous tales you tell;

Love to watch you come and go,

In the tides that ebb and flow.

Though so strong and great you are,

Stretching deep, and wide, and far,

Tiny vessels safe and keep,

Rocking them gently, as to sleep,

Wildly and rough though you may be,

When you are angry, mighty sea,

When the storm has gone, we find

You are still our playmate kind.

What does Simon's body floating out to sea symbolize?

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Asked by Wiki User

Simon's body floating out to sea symbolizes his return to nature and his connection with the spiritual world. It also represents the loss of innocence and goodness in the boys, as they are unable to recognize and mourn his death properly due to their descent into savagery. Furthermore, it highlights the destructive consequences of human nature when left unchecked.

What is the meaning of Chaleur Bay?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chaleur Bay is a body of water located between Quebec's Gaspé Peninsula and New Brunswick's Restigouche County. It is known for its warmer waters compared to the surrounding areas, hence the name "Chaleur," which means "warmth" in French. The bay is popular for fishing, sailing, and outdoor recreational activities.

What phrase did the newspaper editor John O'Sullivan use to describe the idea of a national mission to extend the boundaries of the US all the way of the Pacific Ocean?

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John O'Sullivan used the phrase "Manifest Destiny" to describe the idea of a national mission to expand the boundaries of the U.S. to the Pacific Ocean.

What is an example of symbolism in The Sea Devil?

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Asked by Wiki User

In "The Sea Devil" by Arthur Gordon, the sea monster can be interpreted as a symbolic representation of the dangers and mysteries of the sea. The creature's presence serves to highlight the unpredictability and power of nature, as well as human vulnerability in the face of such forces.

Who is the worlds biggest man alive?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of now, the world's tallest man alive is Sultan Kösen from Turkey, standing at 8 feet 2.8 inches. It's important to distinguish between tallest and biggest, as height is different from overall size or weight.

What are the advantages and the disadvantages of moving out at the age of 18?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages: Independence and freedom to make your own choices, personal growth and development, opportunity to learn essential life skills.

Disadvantages: Financial burden and responsibility, potential feelings of isolation or loneliness, lack of support system in times of need.

What do you get when you cross the Atlantic with the Titanic?

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Asked by Wiki User

To be flippant, you would get too much ice in your whisky!
But, in reality, and seriously, you would either die from exposure in the icy Atlantic waters, or be lucky enough to get on a lifeboat and survive.

What are some examples of Caribbean food?

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There are a variety of foods that the locals eat in the Caribbean. Some include sea bass, swordfish, yams, pumpkin, yucca, as well as sweet potatoes.

What is a small arm of the sea called?

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mmgm is cool so mfuhgdzyfiugdfuhbu\

What ocean would you have to cross if you wanted to travel from Europe to Jamaica?

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Asked by Wiki User

You would have to cross the Atlantic and over Africa to get to eastern Africa.

What is the difference between windward and leeward on a boat?

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Asked by Milym32696

Windward is where the wind is coming from and leeward is where the wind is going to.

So if you want to beach your boat on a relatively safe shore, you would want to beach your craft on the leeward side of a particular island, where it is sheltered from the wind.