


Explorers and Expeditions

From the beginning of time man has never been satisfied to stay in one place. Forever curious, individuals and groups have set out on new and wondrous voyages throughout history. Their stories and information can be found here.

500 Questions

Is survival a universal motive?

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Yes, survival is a universal motive as the instinct to survive is inherent in all living organisms. This drive to ensure one's own existence is fundamental to biological life and is essential for the continuation of species.

What are some challenges of assimilation?

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Some challenges of assimilation may include maintaining one's cultural identity while adapting to a new culture, overcoming language barriers, experiencing discrimination or prejudice, and navigating unfamiliar social norms and customs.

Who discover human?

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The evolution of humans occurred over millions of years, with various ancestors leading to modern Homo sapiens. The scientific community continues to study and uncover new information about human evolution through archaeological evidence, genetic studies, and fossil records. The discovery of hominid fossils by paleoanthropologists has been instrumental in understanding the origins and development of humans.

What problemsof obstacles anthondy henday had to overcome?

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Anthony Henday faced obstacles such as harsh weather conditions, rough terrain, hostile indigenous resistance, and limited food and water supplies during his exploration of western Canada in the 18th century. Additionally, communication barriers with local indigenous groups and the uncertainty of navigating unfamiliar territories presented further challenges for Henday.

What type of people were taken for slavery?

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During the transatlantic slave trade, people of African descent were captured and taken into slavery. These individuals were often forced into labor on plantations in the Americas. Native Americans and indigenous peoples from other regions were also enslaved in certain contexts.

What challenges do ex-offenders face in reentering society?

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Ex-offenders often face challenges such as stigma and discrimination, limited job opportunities due to their criminal record, lack of support networks, difficulties in accessing housing and obtaining necessary identification documents. These barriers can make it challenging for them to reintegrate successfully into society.

What nationality is Thompson?

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Thompson is a surname that has English and Scottish origins. It is commonly found in English-speaking countries.

How did Samuel de Champlain get along with the aboriginal peoples?

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Samuel de Champlain had a diverse relationship with Aboriginal peoples in North America. He formed alliances with some groups, such as the Huron, to further his exploration and trade goals. However, there were instances of conflict with other groups, particularly the Iroquois, due to competition over territory and resources. Overall, his interactions with Indigenous peoples were complex and varied.

How was early life in borstal like for paul canoville?

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Early life in borstal for Paul Canoville was tough, marked by violence, racism, and isolation. He faced discrimination and mistreatment, which had a lasting impact on his mental and emotional well-being. Despite the challenges, Canoville used his experiences as motivation to overcome adversity and succeed in football.

How does the columbian exchange still influence life today?

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The Columbian Exchange, which involved the transfer of food, animals, plants, and diseases between the Americas and Europe, still influences life today by shaping global trade patterns, agriculture practices, and cultural diversity. It has led to the spread of crops like potatoes and tomatoes, the introduction of new foods into different cuisines, and the exchange of ideas and customs between different regions of the world. Additionally, the exchange of diseases had long-lasting impacts on the populations in the Americas and Europe.

What is explicit culture?

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Explicit culture refers to the visible elements of a culture, such as language, clothing, food, rituals, and art. It is readily apparent and easily observed by outsiders. Explicit culture helps to define a group's identity and can be a key way for people to express their cultural values and beliefs.

What impact did Samuel de Champlain do to the first nations people?

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Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec City in 1608 and established trade alliances with various First Nations groups. While he did have conflicts with some indigenous groups, especially those who were hostile to French interests, Champlain also worked to maintain positive relations and engage in diplomatic efforts with Indigenous peoples in the region.

Who was in the immediate family of Bartolomeu Dias?

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Bartolomeu Dias was a Portuguese explorer who had a wife named Maria Alcáçova and a son named Simão Dias. His family supported his explorations, and his accomplishments as an explorer were a source of pride for them.

Is estela nunez dead?

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Since I'm Am Mexican I Know About Her And That's Means She Not Dead Yet Because She Still Singing Like An Real Queen.

What was some of failures that Francisco Pizarro had?

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He made two initial expeditions into the land. The first expedition took place in 1524 and was a total failure. Several of his men died and Pizarro had to turn back without discovering anything of value.

What is the passage through a hill called?

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A passage through a hill ; underground, is called a TUNNEL.

However, a passage between two hills (surface) is a VALLEY.

A passage between two hills is dependent on its width. If the hills are low and far apart, then it is a VALE. However, if the hills are high and close together then it is a GLEN or RAVINE, or GORGE.

What is Benedict Allen famous for?

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Benedict Allen is a British explorer, author, and TV presenter known for his expeditions to remote and challenging environments. He is famous for his adventurous spirit, survival skills, and documenting his travels in books and TV programs. Allen is particularly well-known for his solo adventures in places like the Amazon rainforest.

Who are the characters in Don Juan Teñoso and the Proud Beauty?

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In "Don Juan Tenorio," the main characters are Don Juan Tenorio, a notorious womanizer, and Donna Ines de Ulloa, a virtuous and pure young woman. In "The Proud Beauty," the main characters are the unnamed narrator, who is captivated by a beautiful woman known as the proud beauty.

Why do you think the Author quoted Lewis and clark directly in different parts of the section?

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The author may have quoted Lewis and Clark directly to provide historical context or to emphasize their expertise and experience in exploring new territories. By using their words, the author can lend credibility to the content and highlight the importance of their observations and experiences in the context of the section.

When was Fernao Pires de Andrade born?

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Fernao Pires de Andrade was born in 1508 in Portugal.

Who is Charles linburg?

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There is no widely-known individual by the name of Charles Linburg. It is possible that the name is a misspelling or not a real person. If you have more context or information, I can try to provide a more specific answer.

When did Alexander Mackenzie marry Helen neil?

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Alexander Mackenzie married Helen Neil on March 31, 1863.

What are all the characters in I Juan de Pareja?

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"I, Juan de Pareja" by Elizabeth Borton de Treviño primarily focuses on the life of Juan de Pareja, a historical figure who was a slave of the Spanish painter Diego Velázquez. The main characters in the novel are Juan de Pareja, Diego Velázquez, and other individuals in their lives such as other artists, patrons, and members of the Spanish court.

Did Mary Kingsley travel by foot?

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Yes, Mary Kingsley traveled extensively by foot during her explorations in Africa. She believed in immersing herself in the local culture and environment, often trekking through difficult terrain to reach remote locations. Her firsthand experiences on foot allowed her to gain a deep understanding of the people and places she encountered.