


Atmospheric Sciences

Atmospheric science is the study of the atmosphere, its processes, and the interaction of the atmosphere with other systems, including the effects other systems have on the atmosphere and visa versa. Fields in Atmospheric Sciences include Meteorology, Climatology, and Aeronomy. Ask and answer questions about Atmospheric Sciences in this category.

500 Questions

What is the major component of neptunes atmosphere?

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Asked by Wiki User

The major component of Neptune's atmosphere is hydrogen and helium, with some methane. Neptune, a gas giant, still has much of the same atmosphere that it had at the time of formation.

Why do we need the atmosphere?

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Asked by Wiki User

You wouldn't be here / alive without atmosphere.

How does Poe create an unsettling atmosphere with stylistic devices in the passage above?

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Asked by Wiki User

Poe creates an unsettling atmosphere through his use of vivid descriptions, repetition, and sound devices like alliteration and onomatopoeia. The eerie setting and mysterious tone contribute to the overall sense of unease in the passage. Additionally, Poe's careful choice of words and syntax adds to the haunting quality of the writing.

What is the atmosphere or feeling in a litrary work?

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Asked by Wiki User

The atmosphere that pervades a literary work with the intention of evoking a certain emotion or feeling from the audience. In drama, mood may be created by sets and music as well as words; in poetry and prose, mood may be created by a combination of such elements as SETTING, VOICE, TONE and THEME. The moods evoked by the more popular short stories of Edgar Allen Poe, for example, tend to be gloomy, horrific, and desperate.

How many different snow flakes are there?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is estimated that there are trillions of possible variations for snowflake shapes due to the unique arrangement of water molecules as they freeze. Each snowflake is believed to have a one-of-a-kind design.

Why is the sky sometimes green during twilight?

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Asked by Wiki User

The green color in the sky during twilight is caused by a phenomenon called "green flash." This occurs when the light from the setting sun is refracted and scattered through the Earth's atmosphere, with specific conditions such as clear air and low humidity. The green flash is more likely to be seen over a clear horizon, like an ocean or flat land.

Are clouds part of atmosphere or hydrosphere?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a nutshell, yes. They are not a layer of the atmosphere, but since a cloud is humidity in the atmosphere I would call it a component that makes up our atmosphere.

Why does the thermosphere have the highest temperature out of all the other layers?

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Asked by Wiki User

The thermosphere is heated by solar radiation particularly in the far ultraviolet range; much of this is filtered out by the atmosphere's lower layers - but in the these upper regions it is more exposed to this kind of radiation.

Is oxygen supplied to the atmosphere by ozone?

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Asked by Wiki User


Oxygen is supplied to the atmosphere by green plant life.

Ozone is an allotrope of oxygen naturally found in the upper atmosphere.

All animals, humans included, breath in(inhale) oxygen and breath out (exhale) carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is a heavy gas, and falls to the ground. Where upon it is absorbed by green plant life ( grass /trees/bushes/ stems of flowers etc.,) Once absorbed by the plant and under the process of photosynthesis, the carbon dioxide is decomposed into oxygen and the carbon component remains in the plant as biomass. The oxygen is released back into the atmosphere for animals to breath.

The process of photosynthesis only goes on during daylight hours, when there is UV light present. It does NOT occur aty night. It must be a very fast bio-chemical reaction because there is more oxygen in the atmosphere (~20%) than carbon dioxide ( much less than 1%) . This process is known as the 'Oxygen Cycle'.

NB THere are also 'water cycle' , 'Nitrgen Cycle' and 'Carbon Cycle'.

Ozone is formed from oxygen in the upper atmosphere, and is thought to protect us from extreme (UV) radiations from the Sun.

Atmospheric oxygen has the formula (O=O) (O2). However, ozone has the formula (O3) Its structure is triangular, with each oxygen atom forming two single bonds to each of the other two oxygen atoms. Ozone, compared to oxygen, is poisonous to humans.

When a space capsule returns to Earth after a mission it glows red-hot as it enters the atmosphere because of what?

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Asked by Wiki User

Friction . The space craft is moving at several thousands of miles per hour (extremely fast) . At this speed it meets up with the gas particles of the upper atmosphere, hence friction.

As an anology, if you throw a spinning flat stone parallel to the surface of water it will bounce off the water. If that angle is too big that stone will plunge into the water causing a splash (friction).

So space capsules have to strike the upper atmosphere at just the correct angle, because '1' they may bounce off into space and never return, or '2' plunge so sharply into the atmosphere that they 'burn' up.

So the angle of re-entry has to be 'just right' to stop either 'bouncing off' or creating a 'big splash'. Thereby minimising friction.

What causes the earth to have too many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?

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Asked by Wiki User

Current thinking is people and industry burning/combusting too much fosssil fuels.

However, The oceans hold a lot of CO2 in solution. It known that it water heats up it will release any dissolved gases; think of a kettle boiling. So more could be coming from ocean warming. Ocean warming could be caused by the Sun hesting the water, or the Earth's internal 'radiator'(Mantle/core) releasing more heat , thereby warming the ocean.

What is the total percentage of volume in the atmosphere?

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Asked by Wiki User


However, I think you misunderstand.

Every has in the atmosphere forms a percentage of the total gas in the atmosphere.

The percetnages are ;-

Nitrogen ; 79 %

Oxygen ; 20%

Other gases ; 1%

The other gases include, Water vapour, Carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, methane, the noble (inert) gases ; (Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Radon).

#All these gases make up only 1% of the atmosphere, so individually they are in very small proportions.

What is the Atmosphere of made of?

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Asked by Wiki User

The atmosphere is made up of lots of different gases. It is impossible to name all of them as there are some that we havent found yet. Hope this helps

What gas is our atmosphere mostly made up of?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nitrogen !!! Approximately 79%

The other main gas is oxygen, approximately 20%

The remaining 1% is a mixture of gases , including water vapour, carbon dioxide, the noble(inert) gases, sulpur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, methane.

How old is Earth?

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Asked by Ophelia Schneider

The Earth is at least 4.4 billion years old.