


Medical Terminology

Medical terminology is a vocabulary or word listing used to describe medical words and terms in a scientific manner. It is used in the nursing and medical fields. This methodical approach to word building is based on the concept of word roots, prefixes, and suffixes.

500 Questions

What is the medical term meaning adverse reaction to treament?

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The medical term for an adverse reaction to treatment is "iatrogenic effect." This refers to any harm or side effect caused by a medical intervention, such as a medication, surgery, or other healthcare procedure.

Why is your surgical incision burning?

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Burning sensation around a surgical incision can be due to inflammation, nerve irritation, or infection. It is important to monitor for any signs of infection such as increasing pain, redness, swelling, or discharge, and to contact your healthcare provider for further evaluation and management. Applying ice packs or taking prescribed pain medications can help alleviate the burning sensation.

What does the medical terminology combining form meaning slipping?

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The medical terminology combining form meaning slipping is "lux/o." This combining form is often used in medical terms related to the displacement or slippage of a body part, such as "spondylolisthesis" which refers to the forward slipping of a vertebra in the spine.

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning pulse?

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The medical terminology combining form meaning pulse is "sphygm/o."

What is the basis of how medical root words are positioned in a term for instance why is the term gastroenteritis used and not entroogastritis?

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Medical root words are generally arranged in a specific order to describe the condition accurately. In the term "gastroenteritis," "gastro-" refers to the stomach (gastro) and "entero-" to the intestines (entero), indicating that the inflammation is affecting both the stomach and intestines. This specific order helps convey the location and nature of the condition more clearly.

What does No peritoneal spill seen mean?

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It means the fallopian tube on that side was blocked.

What does articular mean in medical terms?

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Articular means pertaining to a joint.

What is pediatric onocology?

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Pediatric Onocology is the study of cancer in infants and children under the age of 18.

Veruca Salt was a character in Roald Dahl's book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but what medical condition does her first name describe?

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Veruca Salt is named after a type of wart caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) that affects the sole of the foot, known as a plantar wart.

What is a theoretical assumption?

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A theoretical assumption is an underlying belief or proposition that forms the basis of a theoretical framework or model. It guides the development of hypotheses and predictions, serving as a foundation for constructing explanations and understanding phenomena within a particular field of study. These assumptions may not always be directly observable but are essential for shaping research and advancing knowledge.

What does 'he is a man of wax' mean?

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'He is a man of wax' means a man who is too perfect to be real; he must have been sculpted, because real people are not so perfect. The Nurse calls Paris a "man of wax" in Romeo and Julietbecause she believes he is sublimely handsome.

Similarities and differences?

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Similarities refer to common traits or characteristics shared between two or more things, whereas differences are distinctions or variations that set them apart. Understanding both similarities and differences can help in comparing, contrasting, and making informed decisions. Recognizing similarities can aid in finding connections and forming relationships, while understanding differences can lead to better comprehension and appreciation of diversity.

What is cervix grossly negative?

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The term "cervix grossly negative" typically indicates that there are no abnormal findings upon visual inspection or assessment of the cervix. This could be in the context of a physical examination or medical procedure where the healthcare provider is reporting that the cervix appears normal without any concerning features or abnormalities.

What does a clinical correlation mean from a stress test?

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A clinical correlation from a stress test involves interpreting the test results in conjunction with the patient's symptoms, medical history, and other diagnostic tests to arrive at a diagnosis or treatment plan. It helps the healthcare provider determine the significance of abnormal findings on the stress test in relation to the patient's overall health condition.

What does the medical term PV mean?

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PV stands for polycythemia vera, a rare blood disorder where the bone marrow produces too many red blood cells. This condition can lead to thicker blood, increased risk of blood clots, and potential complications. Treatment often involves medications or phlebotomy to reduce the red blood cell count.

What does the term lateral mean when pertaining to medical terminology?

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In medical terminology, the term "lateral" refers to a position or direction that is away from the midline of the body or structure. It is used to describe structures that are located farther from the center of the body.

What is Unremarkable hippocampal formation?

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An unremarkable hippocampal formation refers to a finding on imaging studies, such as MRI or CT, indicating that there are no significant abnormalities or notable changes in the structure of the hippocampus. This means that the hippocampus appears normal and there are no signs of injury, disease, or other issues affecting this region of the brain.

What is alveolar dead space?

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Alveolar dead space refers to the portion of the air in the lungs that does not participate in gas exchange because it does not come into contact with the pulmonary capillaries. This can occur when there is impaired blood flow to certain areas of the lungs, leading to ventilation without perfusion. Alveolar dead space can contribute to ventilation-perfusion mismatch and can impact the efficiency of gas exchange in the lungs.

What term describes inflammation of the peritoneum?

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Peritonitis describes inflammation of the peritoneum, the membrane lining the abdominal cavity. It is often caused by infection, injury, or other medical conditions and can lead to symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, and bloating. Treatment usually involves antibiotics and sometimes surgery to address underlying causes.

Which term means death and decay of soft tissue?

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The term that means death and decay of soft tissue is "necrosis".

What is the medical term for against a poison?

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The medical term for against a poison is "antidote." An antidote is a substance that can counteract the effects of a poison or toxin in the body, helping to neutralize its harmful effects.

What is the medical term meaning closest to the body?

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The medical term closest to the body is "proximal." This term describes a structure being closer to the point of attachment or origin within the body.

What is the medical term for inflexible joints?

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The medical term for inflexible joints is "ankylosis." This condition can result from inflammation, injury, or other underlying health issues, causing stiffness and limited range of motion in the affected joint. Treatment may involve physical therapy, medications, or surgery in severe cases.