



Trigonometry is a field of mathematics. It is the study of triangles. Trigonometry includes planar trigonometry, spherical trigonometry, finding unknown values in triangles, trigonometric functions, and trigonometric function graphs.

500 Questions

Looking for a Zane Grey book set all titles hardback beige tan and red covers found in most libraries?

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The Zane Grey book set you are looking for is likely the "Zane Grey Western Classics" series. These classics typically feature hardback beige, tan, and red covers and are commonly found in libraries due to their popularity. They contain iconic Zane Grey western tales loved by readers for generations.

What is the name of the Trigonometry teacher in Twilight?

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The Trigonometry teacher in Twilight is Mr. Berty.

What is tangent of theta as a percentage?

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The tangent of an angle theta (tan(theta)) cannot be expressed as a percentage since it is a mathematical function that gives the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side in a right triangle. It is a dimensionless quantity and is typically expressed as a decimal or a fraction.

What is usual period for sine?

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Periodic functions are those functions for which the value of the dependent variable repeats itself for certain values of the dependent variable.



x is the dependent variable (output of the function)

y is the independent variable (input of the function)



As you can see the value of the function is the same for two different values of the dependent variable.

The smallest difference between any two dependent variables giving the same value of the function is the period of the function.

The periodicity of the usual sine function is 2pi. This is how it works:





The smallest difference between any two independent variables (x1 or x2 or x3) is 2pi.

This is also evident from the general sine curve (graphical representation). The sine function has a fixed range from -1 to 1 (i.e.,for sin(x)=y, y can only lie between -1 and 1). So, the interval (difference in values of the independent variable) after which the nature of the wave repeats is it's period. Look at the graph and you'll see that the wave replicates after covering 2pi from the current point.

What does one plus cosecant squared x equal?

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One plus cosecant squared x is equal to cotangent squared x.

What are the 2 major parts of plant?

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The two major parts of a plant are the roots and the shoots. The roots are typically found below ground and are responsible for anchoring the plant, absorbing water and nutrients from the soil. The shoots are above ground and include the stem, leaves, flowers, and fruits. They are responsible for photosynthesis, reproduction, and support of the plant.

What are the identities in trigonometry?

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In trigonometry, identities are mathematical expressions that are true for all values of the variables involved. Some common trigonometric identities include the Pythagorean identities, the reciprocal identities, the quotient identities, and the double angle identities. These identities are used to simplify trigonometric expressions and solve trigonometric equations.

What is a reciprocal trig function?

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A reciprocal trigonometric function is the ratio of the reciprocal of a trigonometric function to either the sine, cosine, or tangent function. The reciprocal of the sine function is the cosecant function, the reciprocal of the cosine function is the secant function, and the reciprocal of the tangent function is the cotangent function. These functions are useful in solving trigonometric equations and graphing trigonometric functions.

Why tan theta sin theta divided by cos theta?

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The expression tan(theta) sin(theta) / cos(theta) simplifies to sin^2(theta) / cos(theta). In trigonometry, sin^2(theta) is equal to (1 - cos^2(theta)), so the expression can be further simplified to (1 - cos^2(theta)) / cos(theta).

How is trig used in everyday life?

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Trigonometry is used in everyday life in various ways. It is used in navigation to calculate distances and angles, in architecture and engineering to design structures and determine angles for construction, and in physics and mechanical engineering to analyze forces and motion. Trigonometry is also used in fields such as astronomy, music, and electrical circuits.

How do you get a tangent of 1?

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To find the tangent of 1, you can use the inverse tangent function (arctan) on a calculator. Simply input 1 into the arctan function and calculate the result. The tangent of 1 is approximately 0.7854.

How many feet from the base must a 39-foot ladder be placed so that the top of the ladder will reach a point on the house 36 feet from the ground?

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Well, using a^2 + b^2 = c^2, where a and b are the legs and c is the hypotenuse, you need to square 39 and 36. Then your equation should look like a^2 +1296 = 1521, then solve for a^2, getting the variable by itself, so you have a^2 = 225. Then take the square root of both sides leaving you with a= 15. So, the ladder must be placed 15 feet from the base of the house.

Where is the triforce located at in real life?

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You cannot get the Triforce in any way. Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf all represent the pieces of the Triforce, so really, as Link, you have a bit of it the whole game.

What is the circumference of a 2 pence coin?

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The diameter of an 1826 British Sixpence is 19 mm.

Therefore the radius (r) is 9.5 mm.

The formula for calculating the circumference of a circle is 2 x Pi x r .

The circumference of an 1826 British Sixpence is 59.69 mm.

What is the volume of a penny coin?

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The current British Penny (1992 to present) is -

20.3mm in diameter (radius = 10.15mm) and is 1.65mm thick (height).

Volume = Height x Pi (Radius x Radius)

Volume = 1.65 x 3.14 (10.15 x 10.15)

Therefore the volume is a smidgeon greater than 534 cubic mm.

What does sin mean on a calculator?

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It is an abbreviation for sine, and that word together with cosine and tangent are used in simple trigonometrical calculations about right-angled triangles. If we take the shortest side of the triangle, together with the hypotenuse (the longest side) these two sides enclose an angle. The sine of that angle tells us how long the third side is compared with the hypotenuse. Draw a triangle ABC with the right angle at A, the shortest side called AB, the hypotenuse called BC, and the remaining side CA, then if we wanted the sine of angle B we would divide the length of CA by the length of CB. If you want to find the Sine of 50 degrees on a calculator you would press buttons in this order: 50, then the sin button, and the answer would be given almost instantly in the calculator's window. That's much quicker than having to calculate for yourself.

Is N symmetrical?

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It has rotational symmetry of order 2.

What is the period of a 250Hz sine wave?

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The period is the reciprocal of the frequency, in this case, 1/250 second.

How should you draw a circle?

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You should draw a circle by first drawing a square. Then turn that square into a house. Then turn the house into a penguin. After all of this get another piece of paper then draw a circle.

Hope I helped :D

Factor x square plus 10 - 24?

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Asked by Fittazjonez

xx+10-24=xx-14 --> (x+sqrt(14))(x-sqrt(14))

if xx+10x-24





Multiply a and c:


Find multiples of ac that add up to b (d,e [ie de=ac, d+e=b]):


2*-12, -2*12

3*-8, -3*8

4*-6, -4*6

Rewrite axx+bx+c into axx+dx+ex+c:


Factor sets of terms (ie axx+dx, and ex+c):



Combine like terms:


What did the Hindus and the Arabs contribute to the field of trigonometry?

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In India, the Hindus made further advances during and after the fifth century. These advances included the construction of some early trigonometric tables and, more important, the invention of a new numbering system that made calculating much simpler. Hindu mathematicians based their version of trigonometry on variants of the sine function. The Hindu system led not only to the sine function, but to the cosine, tangent, and other familiar trigonometric functions we use today.

During their centuries of contact with the Greeks and Hindus, Arabic mathematicians adopted many of their mathematical discoveries. Among prominent Arabic mathematicians who helped translate Hindu mathematical texts or introduced Hindu mathematics to the Arabs were al-Battani (c. 850-929), Abu al-Wafa (940-998), and al-Biruni (973-?). Al-Battani adapted Greek trigonometry and astronomical observations to make them more useful. Al-Biruni was among the first to use the sine function in astronomy and geography, and Abu al-Wafa helped apply spherical trigonometry to astronomy, among other important contributions.

What rights and privileges does Americans have?

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we have the rights:

~ job opportunities.

~ freedom of speech, religion, and ownership.

~ education.

Where did the word dollar come from?

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The word dollar is derived from German Taler (Thaler) - also a unit of currency. (The word had sometimes been used as a nickname for Spanish pieces of eight, which cirulated in the American colonies).