


Digestive System

Digestive System is the category for questions regarding the breakdown and absorption of food-stuffs in our alimentary canal. Questions about the stomach and intestines can be included in this category.

500 Questions

Does the digestive system have its own nervous system?

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Asked by GaleEncyofNeuroDis

Yes, the digestive system has its own nervous system called the enteric nervous system. This network of neurons controls the function of the gastrointestinal tract independently of the central nervous system. The enteric nervous system helps regulate digestion, absorption of nutrients, and movement of the intestines.

What body system extracts energy from food?

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Asked by Wiki User

The digestive system extracts energy from food through the process of digestion, where food is broken down into nutrients that can be absorbed by the body. The nutrients are then used by cells to produce energy through a process called cellular respiration.

Do carrots make your poop orange?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, eating a large amount of carrots can lead to your poop turning orange due to the presence of beta-carotene, a pigment found in carrots. This is a normal and harmless occurrence.

Is it good to do a poo everyday?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is generally healthy to have regular bowel movements, but the frequency can vary among individuals. As long as you are not experiencing any discomfort or other symptoms, there is usually no cause for concern. Eating a balanced diet with fiber and staying hydrated can help support regular bowel movements.

Where is lactose broken down in the body?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lactose is broken down in the body by an enzyme called lactase, which is produced in the small intestine. Lactase breaks down lactose into its two component sugars, glucose and galactose, which can then be absorbed by the body for energy. If a person is deficient in lactase, they may experience lactose intolerance.

Why do you need to mix food with saliva?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mixing food with saliva helps to break down carbohydrates in the food into simpler sugars, which can then be detected by taste buds. Saliva also contains enzymes that aid in digestion, making it easier for the body to absorb nutrients from the food we eat.

Why can't you swim after eating?

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Asked by Wiki User

Swimming after eating may cause some people to experience cramps due to blood being diverted towards the stomach for digestion, potentially affecting muscle function. This can increase the risk of drowning as it may compromise your ability to swim effectively. It's generally recommended to wait at least 30 minutes to an hour after eating before swimming to reduce this risk.

Why would you have watery poop?

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Asked by Syd2405

Watery poop can be caused by consuming foods or drinks that have a high water content, infections such as viral gastroenteritis, bacterial infections like E. coli or Salmonella, or conditions like irritable bowel syndrome. It can also be a side effect of medications, such as antibiotics. If you have persistent watery poop, it's important to consult a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and treatment.

How is food moved along the alimentary canal?

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Asked by Wiki User

The involuntary motion that moves food through the alimentary canal is called peristalsis and is a wavelike contraction and relaxation of the intestinal wall smooth muscles. It pushes food along the intestine.

How is broken down food used by the body?

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Asked by Wiki User

Broken down food is absorbed into the bloodstream through the lining of the intestines. Nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are then transported to different cells in the body where they are used for energy, growth, repair, and maintenance. Waste products are eliminated through the kidneys and intestines.

What are the components in human fecal matter?

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Asked by Wiki User

Human fecal matter is composed of water (about 75%), bacteria, undigested food particles, fiber, fats, mucus, dead cells, and other waste products. The specific composition can vary based on diet, hydration levels, and overall health.

The process of swallowing is called?

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Asked by Wiki User

The process of swallowing is called deglutition. It involves voluntary and involuntary muscles working together to move food or liquid from the mouth to the stomach.

What uses oxygen to break down food for energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

The process of breaking down food for energy using oxygen is called cellular respiration. This process occurs in mitochondria within cells and involves the conversion of glucose and oxygen into ATP, the main energy currency of cells. Through cellular respiration, cells generate energy, carbon dioxide, and water as byproducts.

What foods stay in your body the longest?

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Asked by Wiki User

Foods high in fat and protein tend to stay in the body longer, as they take longer to digest. Examples include red meat, nuts, and whole milk products. Foods high in fiber also stay in the body longer because they are more difficult to digest.

End product of protein metabolism?

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Asked by Wiki User

The end products of protein metabolism are amino acids, which are used for various cellular functions such as building new proteins, energy production, and synthesis of other molecules like hormones and neurotransmitters. Any excess amino acids that are not needed by the body are typically broken down and excreted as waste products.

How many seconds does it take to chew your food?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chewing food typically takes about 5-30 seconds per bite, depending on the texture and size of the food. It's recommended to chew each bite thoroughly to aid digestion and promote better nutrient absorption.

What makes food into a small lump called a bolus?

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Asked by Wiki User

Food is transformed into a small lump called a bolus through the process of chewing and mixing it with saliva in the mouth. The mechanical and chemical breakdown of food in the mouth helps form the bolus, which is then swallowed and passes through the esophagus into the stomach where further digestion occurs.

What will help remove undigested food out the body?

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Asked by Wiki User

The stomach is the storage holder, and keeps food in there for about 2 hours. The stomach turns everything into thick liquid or paste.

Undigested food is located in the stomach. The most common method for removing it is called, "purging." where the finger or an object such as a spoon, is inserted into ones throat just far enough to trip the gag reflex.

What are some causes of the feeling of your throat shrinking when you eat?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sensation of your throat shrinking when you eat could be caused by anxiety or stress, a condition called globus sensation, or muscle spasms in the throat. It could also be related to conditions like acid reflux, allergies, or a narrowing of the esophagus. If this sensation persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it's best to consult a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation.

Which foods or what in foods causes gas in the human body?

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Asked by Wiki User

Foods high in fiber, beans, cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli and cabbage), and certain artificial sweeteners (like sorbitol) can cause gas in the human body. Additionally, carbonated beverages and dairy products for individuals who are lactose intolerant can also lead to gas production.

What is food used for once it is broken down?

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Asked by Wiki User

Once food is broken down during digestion, the nutrients are absorbed by the body to provide energy, support growth and repair, and maintain overall health. The body uses these nutrients to fuel various bodily functions and processes. Any excess nutrients are stored for future energy needs.

Can you eat a sponge?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can eat sponge. Although it is not good for you. If you crave sponge it is called pica. I have pica and crave sponges, when i think of sponges my mouth waters and I can't help myself. I remember my whole childhood of getting grounded because I ate all the sponges in my house. You cannot digest sponges and they can damage you permantly. I would not recomend eating sponges. As unfortuanately i can't stop.

What is the function of buccal cavity?

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Asked by Wiki User

The buccal cavity serves as the entrance to the digestive system in many animals, where mechanical digestion begins through the process of chewing and mixing food with saliva. It also plays a role in vocalization and respiration in some species.

Why is my poop so big?

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Asked by Wiki User

The size of your poop is influenced by how much fiber you eat, the amount of water you drink, and how long the stool remains in your intestines. Eating a diet high in fiber and staying hydrated can help regulate the size and consistency of your stools. If you have concerns about the size of your poop, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying issues.

What are the regions that break down foodstuffs mechanically?

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Asked by Wiki User

The mouth, specifically the teeth, breaks down food mechanically through the process of chewing. The stomach also contributes to mechanical breakdown through muscle contractions that help mix and churn food.