


One of the city states of ancient Greece, Sparta was well known for its warrior culture.

500 Questions

How far would troops leaving sardis have to travel over land to reach thermopylae?

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First north west to The Dardanelles strait, cross over the temporary bridge to Europe, then west through Thrace, Macedonia, and fially south through Thessally, at the southern end of which lay the pass of Thermopylai leading to southern Greece.

When was Helen Reddy born?

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Helen Reddy was born on October 25, 1941

Is it Kyniska or Cynisca?

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It is Cynisca. She was an ancient Greek princess and the first woman to win at the Olympic Games.

How many warriors did Sparta have?

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At its peak, Sparta had a total warrior force of around 8,000 to 10,000 soldiers. These soldiers, known as Spartiates, were the elite male citizens who underwent rigorous military training from a young age to become the formidable warriors they were known for.

Do Sparta welcome writing and reading?

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Sparta was a society that valued physical training and military prowess over intellectual pursuits like writing and reading. Education in Sparta focused on training for combat and preparing for war, with reading and writing considered secondary skills.

Sparta used heavy iron bars as money What conclusion might you make from this?

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Spartan money was easier to use that Athenian money.

Who valued choral dance and music Athens or Sparta?

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Both cities celebrated religious festivals with the male citizens singing and dancing for the gods.

The Athenian version morphed into plays which had dancing choruses.

What do you have to do for Sparta on Achievement Unlocked?

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Just go to 3 then 0 in that order. 300? This is sparta? get it?

Why did Athens avoid fighting on land and what did they rely on to fight Sparta?

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Athens avoided fighting on land during the Peloponnesian War because they lacked a strong land army compared to their rival, Sparta. Instead, Athens relied on their powerful navy to maintain control of the sea, protect their trade routes, and launch naval attacks on Spartan territories. They also relied on alliances with other city-states and their strong fortifications, such as the Long Walls, to defend their city.

Did the 300 Spartans exist?

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Yes, the 300 Spartans did exist. They were a group of elite warriors from the ancient Greek city-state of Sparta who fought in the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC against the Persian Empire. While the exact number of Spartans is debated, they were vastly outnumbered and eventually defeated, but their bravery and sacrifice became legendary.

What happens to a spartan male at the age of 60?

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At the age of 60, a Spartan male was considered to have completed his military service and would retire from active duty. He would then transition to a role as an elder in Spartan society, offering wisdom and advice to younger generations. However, he would still be expected to contribute to society through various civic and political responsibilities.

How did the Sparta culture differ from the surrounding cultures?

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The Spartan culture was militaristic and focused on training its citizens to be exceptional warriors. They valued discipline, endurance, and physical strength above all else. In contrast, the surrounding cultures of ancient Greece prioritized a range of pursuits including philosophy, democracy, and artistic expression. Spartan society was also highly hierarchical, with a rigid class system and a focus on military excellence, whereas other Greek city-states had more open social structures.

How were the government and the army related in sparta-?

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In Sparta, the government and the army were heavily intertwined. The government, known as the Spartan oligarchy, was made up of two kings and a council of elders called the Gerousia. The kings were also the leaders of the Spartan army and held significant military authority. This close relationship between the government and the army ensured that the military played a central role in the political and social life of the state.

Spartans killed over 300000 and could have escaped?

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There is no historical evidence to support the claim that Spartans killed over 300,000 people. The population of ancient Greece during the time of the Spartans was much smaller than that, and such a claim would be highly unlikely. Additionally, it is also not clear what is meant by "escaping" in this context since Spartan warriors were known for their bravery and commitment to their military duties.

Why are ants so strong?

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Ants are strong because they are small...if an ant was the size of a human, it wouldn't be able to breathe (no lungs...insects breath via tubes that bring air directly into their bodies) and probably wouldn't be able to move. As an animal gets bigger, its mass increases faster than its strength. If you were the size of an ant, you might be even stronger. Of course, since ants have an exoskeleton, with their supports (bones) on the outside, their muscles attach differently than ours--our bones are on the inside.

What did the people of Sparta eat?

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They ate black broth

and they ate black broth two!!


beside broth, everything else you would find in a meal of Mediterranean people.

Beef,lamb,vegetables,potato,wheat products,bread etc..olive oil,cheese,milk,fruit etc

Why did the Spartans and Athenians unite during the Persian Wars?

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Sparta and Athens were natural allies who provided support to each other - Sparta leading the Dorian bloc of independent city-states, Athens the Ionian bloc, with both interested in maintaining peace.

So when a Persian expedition was sent to subdue Athens in 490 BCE after its interference in the Ionian Revolt against Persia, Athens naturally asked Sparta for support (however Athens had defeated the Persians at Marathon by the time the Spartans arrived). When Persia sent a full scale invasion in 480 BCE, the southern Greek city-states united to repel it under the leadership of Sparta with Athens providing the largest naval component.

They remained friends and allies until 460 BCE, when Athens sent an army to help the Spartans put down a revolt of its serf population. During this campaign they fell out and avoided each other. After the Persians agreed to peace the Athenians turned the Delian League into an empire of its own, became over-adventurous and clashed openly with the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta, resulting in the 27-year Peloponnesian War which Athens lost.

How heavy is a spartan from halo?

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A Spartans' equipment, including chestplate, shield, greaves and other pieces, would have weighed around 100 pounds in total (for a fairly heavily equipped fighter). Most would have been somewhat less, between 50 and 80 pounds.

How many Spartans are alive in the halo universe?

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All of them are dead but the spartan 117. In Halo Reach you go back to a time when there were many Spartans but these Spartans are not as complex as the other ones.

What was the role Sparta in the Persian War?

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the answer before was wrong so i just thought of changing it and put NOTHING :D
He commanded Confederate forces at several battles and was finally charged with slowing Sherman's invasion of Atlanta.

How do you change from spartan to elite in Halo 3?

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The elites are on your side because since they did a bad job of protecting one of the Prophets they made the Brutes their body guards and started killing all the Elites, this made the Elites mad because ever since the Covenant was founded the Elites had been the royal guard. And since they have a huge dislike for the Brutes they join up with the humans to wipe out the Covenant. Oh and also they found out that the Prophets want to activate the Halo rings which will wipe out all living life in the Galaxy and that the "Great Journey" is all a lie.

What kind of a person did Spartans consider superior?

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A dedicated Greek warrior, and in particular, their own citizen-warriors.