


The Tulip is a perennial plant of the genus Tulipa characteristic of a bulbous shape and vibrant coloration.

500 Questions

Would teenagers read the tulip touch by Anne Fine?

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Yes, "The Tulip Touch" by Anne Fine is a popular book among teenagers due to its dark and thought-provoking exploration of a troubled friendship. The book's themes of manipulation, peer pressure, and the consequences of toxic relationships are relatable to many teens, making it a commonly recommended read for that age group.

Where can you buy a ruffled tulip in Florida?

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Ruffled tulip bulbs can be purchased at local nurseries, garden centers, or online retailers that offer flower bulbs for sale. In Florida, you can try checking with botanical gardens, specialty plant nurseries, or florists that may carry a variety of tulip bulbs including ruffled tulips. Additionally, online flower bulb retailers such as Holland Bulb Farms or Breck's Bulbs may also have ruffled tulip bulbs available for purchase.

Why is there a ruffled tulip on the cover of new moon?

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The ruffled tulip represents transformation and new beginnings, which ties in with the themes of growth and change in "New Moon." The tulip also symbolizes love and passion, reflecting the romantic elements of the story between Bella and Edward.

Why did Anne Fine write the tulip touch?

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Anne Fine wrote "The Tulip Touch" to explore themes of friendship, manipulation, and the impact of psychological abuse on young people. The novel delves into the complex relationship between the main characters and the consequences of their actions on each other.

What games does tulip play in the tulip touch?

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Rats in a Firestrom

Hogs in a Tunnel


Road of Bones

Days of Dumbness

Stinking Mackerel

Putting on the Bag

Babe in the Wood

All the Grey People

Along the Flaggy Shore

Fat and Loud



The Little Visits

Wild Nights (which includes, Sweetie Swipe, Exploding Greenhouses & Dustbin Fire.)

What is the best soil for a tulip?

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The soil must be well-draining, neutral to slightly acidic, fertile, and dry or sandy

What kingdom does the tulip belong to?

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Tulips are plants, and thus belong to the kingdom Plantae.

How tulips detect sunlight?

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How deep do you plant your bulbs?

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When planting a daffodil bulb, you have to find a site with full sun or part shade with somewhat fertile and well-drained soil. Plant the bulbs in the fall about 3-6 inches apart. Bear in mind that they will soon be crowding each other. Generally planting is done in the fall, but late winter is OK, too, as long as the ground is not frozen.

The bulbs need to be 2 times as deep as the bulb is high. A 2-inch long bulb should be planted 4-inches deep. If the winters are severe, 3-inches of soil above the bulb tip is recommended. In clay soils, don't plant as deeply as in sandy soil. If planted too deeply, the bulb will produce long stems and few flowers.

What does a tulip excrete?

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Is a tulip a decomposer?

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When was the tulip first discovered?

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Any of the following places, Southern Europe, North Africa, Anatolia, Iran and Northwest China. Also Pamir, Hindu Kush and Tien Shan

What are the 7 levels of classification of a tulip?

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species:darwin Emma rock

Can you plant tulips in may?

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Hi! To answer this question, firstly it is important to know if the plant is going to be in a snow fall location , the nature of soil. If you can answer the above i will try to answer. Regards Tweetika

How do you affect a tulip?

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Stomping on it will affect it fairly drastically

What structure does a tulip have?

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There are several different structures involved in the makeup of a tulip, and of flowers in general 1. PETALS: the most obvious portions of the tulip head that surrounds the "sex" organs 2. SEPELS: These structures are almost like petals, but ly under the petals, and are often green. However, on tulips it ma be harder to identify them because they like to be the same color as the petals. There is usually two or three sepels on a flower. In cases were Sepels look like there Petal brothers then then are called TEPELS 3. CARPELS: these structures are at the the center of the flower, and resemble a tube coming down to a hard sac. The heart of a Carpel is the overy, which houses what is called an Ovule and several other similar looking structures. The Ovule is where the female sex organ is located. the other structues are important in feeding a developing plan embryo, when the Ovary becomes a seed later on. The different parts of the Carpel have names, but they are less important 4. STAMENS: These surround the Carpels and are instrumental in producing pollen, which house the male sperm. Obiously there are other structures ncluding stems and leaves, but the above 4 structures that I have listed are unique to flowers. I hope this answer has been helpfull

What do yellow tulips represent in flower language?

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It means 'there's sunshine in your smile'.

Also, it can symbolize hopeless love or cheerful thoughts.

Is a tulip a living thing?

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Oh, yes, a tulip is definitely living. If you only have a tulip bulb, that is called the dormant state. There is a plant inside waiting to get out and see what the world is all about. At the proper time and temperature, with the help of a certain amount of light and nutrients, the plant will make its way up and out of the bulb. There it will absorb light energy, soil nutrients and water, and eventually produce a flower. The tulip ensures the next generation in two ways: the bulb will produce "bulbettes" and the flower may produce fertile seed. When it's finishes its reproductive job, the flower sits for a while as a leafy plant absorbing energy for next year's display. Eventually the leaves will die and the plant returns to its dormant bulb state.

Why will tulip trees not bloom?

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they DO bloom, in fact tulips, the flower, still grow at night once they are cut:)

Do tulip bulbs germinate?

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Bulbs sprout.

Do you have to dig tulip bulbs up every year?

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As a perennial it can be left in the ground for between 5 and 10 years. Although clumps that become large, may be divided as and when necessary. Divide in early summer after the foliage has turned yellow. They can be put into onion sacks and stored in a cool place until ready for re planting

Why are the tulip flowers called tulips?

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They got their name from the Persian word "toliban" meaning turban. Why you may ask? Well because the shape of the headdress that many people in the Middle East wear today is simallar to the shape of the flower known as a tulip!