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Q: Feeling of brain swelling against skull?
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What damage is caused from swelling of the brain?

Swelling of the brain, also known as cerebral edema, can cause increased pressure within the skull, leading to reduced blood flow to the brain and potential damage to brain tissue. It can result in symptoms such as headaches, nausea, seizures, confusion, and even coma or death. Prompt medical intervention is necessary to reduce the swelling and prevent further damage to the brain.

Why is cell swelling in the brain especially dangerous?

Because there is no-where for the extra swelling to go - since the brain is completely enclosed by a solid skull, any swelling of the tissue causes an increase in the pressure of the surrounding fluid, which causes damage to the brain.

What damage will be caused by swelling of the right side of the brain?

Will not only cause pressure and damage to that side of the brain, the left side of the brain will also be pushed up against the hard surface of the skull, causing damage to the left side of the brain as well.

Why person becomes comatose after stroke?

the impact can cause the brain to move back and forth inside the skull. The movement of the brain inside the skull can tear blood vessels and nerve fibers, which causes swelling in the brain. This swelling presses down on blood vessels, blocking the flow of blood (and with it, oxygen) to the brain.

Why unconsciousness occur in meningitis?

meningitis is the swelling of the brain and so when it hits the skull it makes you unconscious

Can the brain move down from its original position?

I do not think so. if pressure builds up in your skull such as from bleeding or swelling it will eventually push your small brain out of your skull and into your spine however this is destructive and will kill you.

What is the easy meaning of crainotomy?

A craniotomy is a surgical procedure where a part of the skull is removed to access the brain. It is commonly used to treat brain conditions such as tumors, bleeding, or swelling.

What is commonly called water on the brain?

Hydrocephalus is a buildup of fluid inside the skull that leads to brain swelling. Hydr/o/ "water" cephalus "relating to the head" ergo "water on the brain."

What things does the skull protect?

The brain

Can a punch cause brain damage and if yes how?

yes. a facial punch will move the skull faster than the brain inside can move. So the brain slams against the inside of the skull. normally known as a concussion, also.

What organs does the skull protect?

the skull protects your brain.

Which bone protects the brain?

The skull protects the brain.