

For loop syntax in unix

Updated: 10/3/2023
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15y ago

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For loop can be used in following Ways:- Syntax: for var in list do commands done where list is basically the list of the values u want to traverse on, consider an example: suppose u want to display ur name 10 times we ca use for loop as: for var in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 do echo "$name" done OR for var in {1 .. 10} do echo "$name" done OR the best way(analogous to c) for (( i = 0; i <= 10; i++) do echo "$name" done

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for file in `ls $HOME/$1/` do echo "Print the directory : \c" done for file in `ls $HOME/$1/` do echo "Print the directory : \c" done

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UNIX has no bearing on the C language; it is cross-platform. There is no select/case in C, you probably meant switch/case. However, a switch/case is a conditional jump while a nested loop is a loop within a loop. Besides the C language they have nothing in common with each other.

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do { //statements }while(condition); The statements inside the block get executed at-least once, no matter what condition you have placed. Only from the 2nd time the condition is checked, simply because the condition is at the last. for(initialization; condition; updation) { //statements } Here the statements don't get executed even once if the condition fails initially. The condition is at the entry itself.

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No. A syntax error is a statement that fails to compile. Infinite loops are simply loops for which the number of iterations is unknown. However, all loops, whether counted loops or infinite loops, must have a reachable exit condition. If a loop does not have a reachable exit condition then it is a logic error, not a syntax error.

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You can use any number of if staments within a for-loop, eg: for (i=0; i&lt;10; ++i) { if (i=1) printf ("%d=1\n",i); }

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What would you recommend for a laptop Solaris or Unix?

Your question is an unanswerable loop. Solaris is a Unix system. One cannot be better or worse than the other because one is a subdivision of the other.