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Q: Fuel cells rely primarily on what element for their energy source?
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Why do the cells in your body never use nucleic acids as an energy source?

according to my calculations, the cells use carbohydrates as an energy source, and that is enough for the body nucleic acids are used for our genetic makeup and not for our energy usage

Which nutrient gives you a fast source of energy?

Glucose is the readily usable form of nutrient and would readily be use by your Cells.

What organelle converts sunlight into energy for the cell?

Chloroplasts convert sunlight into energy for cells, turning the sun's energy, water, and carbon dioxide into food, but they are only in plant cells. In the animal cell, a different process of energy production takes place. Mitochondria use cellular respiration to create energy. Glucose is your body/cells preferred source of energy. Glucose comes from saccharides (carbohydrates). The mitochondria in your cells take in glucose and process it through a series of steps in a cycle called cellular respiration, producing ATP (Adenine Triphosphate) which in turn is used as your cell's energy -- usually by cleaving of a phosphate or two in a reaction creating energy.

Which element on the periodic table is used to kill cancer cells?

In terms of the Electromagnetic spectrum, Gamma radiation and X-rays are usually used to treat cancer patients in a process called Radiotherapy, as these are the highest energy forms of the EM spectrum. However, other forms of radiation such as high-energy neutrons are being used, which do not belong to the EM spectrum.

Can you convert glucose into carbon dioxide?

Yes, cellular metabolism converts glucose to carbon dioxide all the time, and this reaction is the source of chemical energy for all other chemical reactions in cells. It is the fundamental source of energy for most organisms (with hydro-thermal vent organisms being an exception).

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What is the external fuel of choice used by cells as a ready source of energy?

Cells do not choose their source of energy.

Is glucose a source of energy for brain cells?

yes, glucose is the only source of energy for brain cells

What type of energy can be utilized by your cells?

Cells primarily utilize potential energy stored in chemical bonds.

How do cells carbohydrates?

Cells use carbohydrates as a source of energy and for energy storage.

What kind of cells have mitochondria?

All cells have mitochondrea they are hte energy source for the cell All cells have mitochondrea they are hte energy source for the cell

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What do cells do use as a source of energy and for energy storage?
