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SCIENCE PROJECT IDEAS # I personally did this one in 5th grade and won third place so this would be better for your stage of learning than for me: i used water, food coloring, the cun and 7 cups all of the same size.(add your own twist! do 8 colors or 3 or whatever...) pur the same amount of water in the cups. put the same amount of drops of food coloring in the water (different colors ex. first cup: 2 drops of red, second cup: 2 drops of blue etc.) basically you set them out in the sun and see if the different colors effect the evaporation of the water. purely simple. just consider it.

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I would also suggest just looking it up on Google.

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Q: What to do for your science project for 4th grade?
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magnify glass
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There are lots of ideas for a 4th grade science project. One example is studying the solar system, learning about each planet that orbits Earth and the sun.

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What I did for a 4th grade, was a balloon-powered car. For older grades you want to make it cool and a different project.

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no there is not, but in 5th grade and probably in the future.

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Yes because my friend Kaden Garcia is in 4th grade with me and he did do an egg float one and the egg floated to the middle of the cup it was awsome im (9) and in 4th grade By Shayla Sanchez

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What are some 5th grade science project ideas?

A clay volcano