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gives a standardized unit that tells how far away each measurement is from the mean

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14y ago
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14y ago

That would be the z-score.

z = (measurement - mean) / standard deviation

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Q: Gives a standardized unit that tells how far away each measurement is from the mean?
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What gives a standardized unit that tells how far away each measurement is from the mean?

You'll want to look up variance and standard deviation.

What is a standardized unit that tells how far away each measurement is from the mean?

Standard deviation is a measure of the spread of data around the mean. The standardized value or z-score, tells how many standard deviations the measurement is away from the mean, and in which direction.z score = (observation - mean) / standard deviationStandard deviation is the unit measurement. This tells what the value a decimal is.

This tells how many standard deviations a measurement is away from the mean?

Z-Score tells how many standard deviations a measurement is away from the mean.

Tells how many standard deviations a measurement is away from the mean?

z score

What tells us how many standard deviations a measurement is away from the mean?

z score

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What tells how many standard deviations a measurement is away from the mean?

the Z score, or standard score.

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