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i think it is vascular cambium layer............ :)

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13y ago
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13y ago

The vascular cambium between the xylem and phloem produces new vascular tissue

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9y ago

The vascular cambium is the growth tissue that produces additional xylem and phloem.

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Q: Growth tissue between xylem and phloem that produces additional xylem and phloem cell?
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Growth tissue between xylem and phloem that produces additional xylem and phloem cells?

The dark center of a stem or root that is dead

What happens as the vascular cambium produces phloem and xylem cells?

Simply put, these are the growth areas of the plant.

What part of a plant produces secondary growth?

Meristematic tissue (vascular cambium) produces secondary growth. In plant stems, this serves to increase the diameter, and it forms between the primary xylem and phloem.

Where is most of the plant's new xylem and phloem produced?

The cambium produces the new phyloem and xylem.

What is the function of the cambium?

The cambium is the layer of actively dividing cells between the xylem and phloem tissues of plants. It is responsible for the secondary growth of plants.

Does the vascular cambium produces xylem and phloem?


What is cambiums?

vascular tissue that produces xylem and phloem cells as a plant grows!

Plant cell layer that produces new phloem and xylem?


What is the function of the vascular cambian in the woody stems?

produces xylem and phloem

What is the growth of tissue that produces phloem and xylem in the stems of woody plants?

woody stems have more xylem than soft stems

How is the growth of vascular and nonvascular plants different?

I think personally that they are different because Vascular plant have xylem and phloem. Nonvascular don't have xylem and phloem. That is my answer!

How do phloem form bark on a tree?

When the phloem is dead it causes bark to form on a tree. A secondary growth in the cortex result in the bark formation a a tree