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Yes, all generations of human societies go through changes in cultural values. Cultural values evolve as societies change. Modernization is only one of many causes. Even the most primitive early societies were changed by things as simple as droughts, intermarriage, or new tribes encroaching. The earliest explorers and traders brought about great changes where ever they interacted with different people. Wars have always created big changes in cultural values. Every new interaction with people outside of our own culture brings about new ways to see things and we individually adjust our cultural values. Modernization has a more profound impact on the social values of people who are suddenly thrust into modernization than those who have lived where the modernization has evolved.

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Q: Has modernisation lead to the demolition of cultural values?
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How has Arts contributed and can contribute towards social and cultural change?

The arts contribute to social and cultural change by redefining how we think creatively and how we perceive beauty. Often, artists speak out against social problems and that will frequently lead to change.

What might a sociologist study to understand the world?

Sociologists evaluate, teach and disseminate information about family interactions and norms, cultural groups, and demographic changes within society. They will publish studies of the changes within society, that indicate social inequalities due to lack of cultural adaptations, and the attitudes within families, groups, or individuals, that contribute to a lack of cultural awareness and understanding. These may lead to a change in societal structure, and breakdown within groups, or by understanding the changes a strengthening of society, and cultural groups.

What is healthy values?

What are considered healthy values generally depends on the culture you are a part of and even within that culture these values may be vastly different. Take for example the difference between what is important in the mind of a person that is a Muslim and that in the case of a Christian person. and even then what are considered healthy values may differ greatly among the people of different denominations and ways of thinking. Healthy values are an attitude to the things that are important in what you do in your life that serve to make the lives of others better for them selves and for you. Health is a matter of three different fields: mental health, physical health and social health. When either of those three is damaged, the others will deteriorate with it. So if you live in a culture where your personal values are shunned or discriminated against, your health will suffer - and not just your social health. What is important in values, is that your values do not impair your ability to lead a healthy life; which really means your values should complement a healthy lifestyle, on all three grounds of health (mental, physical and social).

Explain why the value that people hold may vary from one group to another?

Values are beliefs that something is good and worthwhile for example the value placed on human life or on generosity. Although some sociologists see shared values as essential to social order and unity of society, values do vary within a society itself. All human beings need to be socialized but the content of what they learn does vary. Thus they have different cultures and so learn to value different things during the process of socialization. Culture develops depending on the particular physical and social environments in which people live and so values vary. For example, among the Cheyenne, bravery and generosity are highly valued but in modern societies wealth and private property are more important. The existence of subcultures also lead to variation in values with members developing their own ideas of what is worthwhile and important. These subcultures emerge because people have different life experiences and face different problems, live in different socioeconomic conditions and have different origins.

When did pencils stop being made from lead?

It's a common misconception that pencil lead is or has ever been constituted of the element lead. It's true that thousands of years ago the element lead was formed into cylinders and used to make marks on papyrus, however, wooden pencils or any instrument since does not use lead (lead is a heavy metal and using pure lead in form can cause major health problems with extended exposure). Pencils now are made of graphite or some other pigment. However, graphite in solid form was discovered in the 16th century and at the time was thought to be some type of lead, which is why many people today still call pencil lead: lead.

Related questions

How does cultural diffusion lead to cultural leveling?

Cultural diffusion is a change process where the values and cultural constructs of one group are passed to another group. Cultural leveling refers to the process by which cultures lose their identity and become similar to one another. The exchange of unique cultural constructs eventually leads to cultural leveling by creating pressure to change.

Cultural conflict in the cross- cultural communication?

Cultural conflict in cross-cultural communication can arise when individuals from different cultures have differing values, norms, or communication styles. This can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and issues with trust. Building cultural awareness, being open-minded, and practicing effective communication strategies are key to navigating and resolving such conflicts.

How can the spread of cultural ideas lead to cultural change?

it can spread new ideas by cultural diffusion.

How does global media influence different cultures?

Global media can impact different cultures by spreading information, shaping opinions, and influencing values. It can contribute to cultural homogenization by promoting certain cultural norms and styles worldwide. However, it can also lead to cultural appropriation and the loss of traditional practices as global media tends to prioritize dominant cultural narratives.

What is the average cost per sq ft to demolition a house?

With or with our Lead? We are now paying $1,600 per dumpster to dump lead painted wood!

How can the spread of new changes lead to cultural changes?

it can spread new ideas by cultural diffusion.

Cross-cultural in local markets?

Cross-cultural considerations in local markets involve understanding and respecting the cultural norms, values, and preferences of customers in a specific region. This may include adapting marketing strategies, product offerings, and communication styles to align with local customs and traditions. Failing to account for these factors can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and ineffectiveness in reaching target markets.

What can lead to cultural diffusion?

From bringing one region to another

What the importance of cultural values?

culture is that which binds groups of people (i.e.societies) together.Consists of various beliefs,language,and sometimes even aspirations.Values are those items from a culture which society uplifts as important.example of cultural values would be the high esteem attached to honesty.This value were it absent,would lead to failed marriages at family level, unsafe neighborhoods at society level, incompetent governments;corruption,nepotism et cetera all of which can be termed "moral decay".African states show a classical example of importance of cultural values: In pre-colonial Africa was a society founded on values such as kinship. families stayed together and subsisted communally. however westernisation brought new values like materialism and Christianity which altered the values of societies and brought about social friction as a new generation disenchanted from its predecessors practises fought for control with remnants of cultural proponents. new values like state nationalism emerged ahead of ethnicity.This has led to decades of often senseless civilwars,dictatorships and high levels of HIV/AIDS prevalence.Without values society cannot exist,with ambiguous values a society is in constant strife.

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What can lead to one group bearing the blame for others?

cultural absolutism

Cultural in a sentence?

culture is the belief of people in their aspects of life