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By measuring with a tape measure. be sure to include walkways

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Q: Have a 8x8 pool need to put it up have spot in mind how do you measure the area to see if the pool will fit?
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How can you calculate the total area of swimming pool?

By measuring the length and breadth of the pool we can measure its area.

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How can you measure heat losses in the swimming pool by exact formulation?

First of all, you need to measure and calculate the volume of water in your pool, average daily temperature of the water, and also the surface area. Once you have accurate data, the heat loss is a simple calculation.

Will the area of a circular pool tell you how much water is in it?

If you know the area of a pool then you need to multiply it by the height of the pool, then multiply by 7.48 to get gallons.

What unit of measurement can you use to measure a wading pool?

You first need to decide what you want to measure about it: its length, its volume, its viscosity, etc.

When was The Mind Pool created?

The Mind Pool was created in 1993.

What is the sq ft of a pool that has a linear footage of 86?

Can't be done. You need to specify the width and length of the pool. That is because the area of a long, narrow pool is not the same as the area of a pool that is closer to square.

How do you get the Measurements for a round above pool for a new liner?

The easiest way is to simply measure across the pool as close to the center line as you can. Also, measure from several different spots to get the closest average. If you need the measurement for around the outside of the pool the you would want to measure the diameter (the distance from one side to the other) as close to the center as you can and multiply that distance (in inches) time 3.1415. For example, if the pool measure 12 feet across (144 inches) then the distance around the pool would be 452.3 inches. The pool liner supplier will most likely just need the diameter and the height of the pool.

How do you measure the chlorine in a baquacil pool?

You do not measure the Chlorine in a Baquacil pool because they are incompatible.

How do you measure the pool for the top layer of pool tiles?

lengthxwidth if round measure circumference

How would you install a small pool if the backyard is not leveled?

You will need to level the area under the pool, though. Most suggest using sand to do this.

Do you need to know area or perimeter for building a fence around a pool?

yes ,becaus you need to know how much fence you need