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The pope wouldn't let him divorce.

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Q: Henry VIII breaks with roman catholic church and marriage to anne Boleyn?
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Who was The women Henry VIII wanted to marry?

It's just the Catholic Church, not the Roman Catholic Church. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is rarely used by the Catholic Church. King Henry VIII wanted to marry Anne Boleyn but the Holy Father would not give him an annulment of his valid marriage to Catherine of Aragon.

Why did Henry lose faith in the Catholic religion?

Henry did not lose faith in the Catholic Church. He separated himself from the Catholic church and created the church of England because he was in "love"with Anne Boleyn and wanted to marry her but the Pope would not grant him an annulment to his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. Therefore Henry secretly married Anne Boleyn and declared himself supreme head of the church of England.

Why did Henry vlll breat away from the catholic church?

Henry the VIII left the Catholic Church by his own choice, because the Church would not give him an annulment from his first wife to marry Ann Boleyn. He wanted to annul his first marriage in the hope that he could get a son from Ann Boleyn. After he left the Catholic Church, and started the Church of England, with him as the head of the Church, he married Ann Boleyn, but, he never got the son he wanted from her, and she had her beheaded and married again and again in hope of getting a male heir. It would end in failure, and Ann Boleyn's daughter would eventually become Queen of England.

Why couldn't King Henry marry Anne Boleyn in the Catholic Church?

cos Anne Boleyn

Was the royal wedding Catholic?

No. No English royal has been Catholic since Henry VIII. He began the Church of England when he defied the Pope in his marriage to Ann Boleyn. It is against English law for a King or Queen of England to be Catholic. So, the wedding yesterday was in the Church of England.

What was Anne Boleyn Catholic or Protestant?

As her marriage to Henry VIII was central to his split from the Catholic Church, she would have been Catholic, not having lived long enough to have become Protestant.she was a Protestant!! Both she and Henry VIII were Catholics as was (and is) the Church of England they were just not in communion with Rome.

Is marriage outside of the Church recognized by the Catholic Church?

Yes as long as you were legally married. And if you were congratz!!! ---- If either party of the couples is a Catholic, then for the Catholic Church to officially recognize the marriage, the couple must have been married in the Catholic Church.

Which monarch formally separate the Church of England from the Catholic Church in 1534?

King Henry VIII and his new wife (who wasn't recognized by the Catholic Church) Anne Boleyn

What religion did Henry VIII want England to be?

King Henry VIII was a Catholic in his early life. When the Catholic Church refused to dissolve his marriage to Catherine of Aragon so that he could marry Anne Boleyn, he broke away from the Church and declared himself head of the Church of England.

If a non-Catholic man married a Catholic woman in a Catholic church and the marriage ends in divorce how does the Catholic Church view this marriage and can the man later become a Catholic?

He can certainly become Catholic. Divorce does not prevent one from participating in the Church in any way. The Church sees him as continuing to be involved in a nonsacramental, but valid, marriage. What he cannot do is to *remarry* since that would be adultery in the eyes of the Church.

Does a married convert to the Catholic church need a marriage convalidation in the Catholic church?

Roman Catholic AnswerYes, you need to discuss this with your priest. If you marriage that you are in is valid, you should have no problems.

Did the Catholic church ever perform same-sex marriages?

No. Same-sex marriage has always been regarded as an abomination by the Catholic church.No. Same-sex marriage has always been viewed as an abomination by the Catholic church.