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Hinduism has 10 main rules, they are split into things you should do (Niyama) and things you shouldn't (yama). Yama: 1. Do not destroy or injure anything 2. Do not steal 3. Do not be envious 4. Do not lie 5. Do not overeat, overdrink or over indulge in sex Niyama: 6. Keep yourself clean, inside and out 7. Be contented 8. Practice self discipline, tolerance, patience and mental calmness 9. Educate yourself 10. Try to surrender your mind to the higher power

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Q: Hinduism rules for followers
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The followers of Hinduism are called Hindus

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a person who practices Hinduism is called a Hindu. Moreover followers or practicers of Hinduism are known as Hindus follow the rules of Vedas.

What is the name for followers of Hinduism?

All people who accept holy Bhagawat Gita & Vedas are followers of hinduism.

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What is the name of the followers of Hinduism?

All people who accept holy Bhagawat Gita & Vedas are followers of Hinduism.

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there are currenlty over a billion followers of Hinduism. While & % of world's population is following Buddhism.

How do the followers pass on their Hinduism?

Generally to their progeny. There is very little evangelism in hinduism.

How did Hinduism impact on people's behaviors?

Hinduism gives followers purpose of life. Hinduism teaches peace and respect. It helps followers to have faith India on Supreme God and thus In life

How many followers are there in the world today for Hinduism?

as if now there are more than a billion followers of Hinduism. most of them live in India, nepal and Myanmar.

Where do followers of Hinduism come from?

Mainly India

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