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Hi There,

I have this problem too. Stopped taking the medication due to bad outbreak of hives - raised itchy bumps all over my back and tummy.

They have reduced severity since cessation of the tablets. I'm still experiencing outbreaks though.

When will it stop?

How long does it take for the medication to leave your system?

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Q: Hives from an allergic reaction to champix how long will this last?
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Can an allergic reaction to Motrin cause hives that last for days?

Yes it can.

How long does the allergic reaction to sulfur last?

it last for about a week or two it starts were you first got the hives then it gets better and better

How long does it take for hives that are big and red?

Hives due to an allergic reaction shouldn't last more than 1-3 days. If hives last more than a week it could be due to a more serious condition and you should consult your doctor.

What do hives look like and how can you tell if you have them?

They look like a million tiny little red mosquito bites all over your body (in bad cases) or in small patches on different parts of body.Hives are caused by an allergic reaction to something. They itch a lot and if you think back about anything new you ate (something you never ate before) you may have had a food allergy. Otherwise if you touched or rubbed against a certain kind of plant, you could of had an allergic reaction to that.Take some oral Benedryl; if the bumps and redness don't go away, then they're not hives.Hives itch less than insect bites. However, Benedryl only temporarily relieves the hives.Hives can also last varying amounts of time depending on how fast you can find the object/objects that you are allergic to. I haven't found out what I'm allergic to, and I have had hives for a year.If you can't figure out why you have hives, you need to see your doctor for an allergy test.hives is a type of alergic reaction you get. hives are red bubble spot thingys that make you ich badly.if you have the hives i recomend a baking soda bath.(at least that's what a book ses to do if you have hives) {and no,hives are totally disfrent from the chikin poks}allergic skin reaction causing localized redness, swelling, and

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That totally depends on the reason you have it.

How long can a terrible allergic reation from bleach last?

A terrible allergic reaction for bleach can last for days. If you are having too big of an issue, you should see medical attention.

How long does it take for an allergic reaction like hives to go away?

Allergic reactions to Meds are tricky. Obviously its best to consult a Physician ASAP for their opinion. My daughter had a reaction to ammoxicilin and it took a few days for the swelling and rash to go away. The medicine stays in your system longer then you realize. Some people need steroids to reduce swelling and an antihistamine like Benydryl. Its safe to say that you need to give it a few days for the fluid of the swelling to go away and back to normal. Keep antihistamines in your purse (or if a guy, in your pocket or vehicle at all times.) Benadryl is the best and for adults two caps (25 mgs. each) are what you should take. It takes only 10 to 15 minutes for the swelling to go down, but if you've left it for a long time it may take longer. DO NOT DRIVE A VEHICLE OR MACHINERY WHILE TAKING ANTIHISTIMINES. Benadryl is given in hospitals (I know because I had a reaction to a medication) and is harmless to you. It will probably make you sleepy.

Has anyone ever gotten an allergic reaction to apple juice?

My nine year-old daughter had a very bad allergic reaction last summer. By the time we made it to the hospital, she was completely covered in hives and her arms were beginning to swell. She swore it was the apple juice she had just drank, but I didn't see how that could be possible. However, last night at my father's, he gave her apple juice without thinking, and the same reaction happened again. This whole thing doesn't make sense to me. The juice she was drinking was organic, and unless the packaging information is false, is supposedly 100% apple juice. Anyway, we are waiting for an appointment to a specialist, and hoping to get to the bottom of this...

How long does it take for a penicillin allergic reaction to go away?

Length varies based on what kind of reaction you have. The common rash reaction can last a bit over a week but itching usually stops within a couple of days with the assistance of Benadryl. Some swear that increased hydration and/or working up a sweat helps clean your system faster.

Can you have an allergic reaction to a dog's tongue?

According to the last book on allergies I read; the answer is yes! You can be allergic to dog saliva. In one case, a girl dancing cheek to cheek with a boy whose dog had licked his face had a reaction; she got red itchy bumps that went away after she washed her face.

How long do hives last after discontinuing Zyban?

Hives are caused by an allergic reaction and as much as Zyban companies will have one believe, there are some terrible side effects taking this med. I had a friend who took it and his face was so swollen it cracked (as did his lips). The doctors at ER said it wasn't Zyban, but in truth it was. Go and see your doctor and if you don't have one then go to a clinic ASAP. You will be given a antihistamine. Don't self medicate yourself, but see your doctor! Good luck Hope you are feeling better soon Marcy

Acute allergic reaction in which hives develop?

hives are like little red bumps that really itches. it can be caused by eating something that u r allergict of. DO NOT SCRATCH or it will get worse it will spread itll itch even more and it will last longer