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Q: How Corrosion of iron in presence of moist air?
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What is corrosion of iron known as?

rusting of iron . means when you put an iron object left open in moist air .... the moist air come into contact with the iron article and a brown flaky layer of iron oxide is formed on on the object. This is CORROSION of IRON .

What is iron rust in moist air an example of?

Water droplet lands on the surface of a car with a scratch/dint

What is the difference between dry and wet corrosion?

dry corrosion is taken place in the presence of gases whereas wet corrosion takes place in the presence of moisture in air

What is the most effective means of corrosion?

I think AIR is the most effective mean of corrosion and the most appealing example is the corrosion of iron when it comes in contact with air.

There are 10 grams of iron in a sealed container with moist air The sealed container with iron and moist air weighs a total 15 grams what is true after the iron rusts?

It stays the same

What will happen to a metal if it is attack by corrosion?

Eating away and eventual destruction of metals and alloys by chemical attack. The rusting of ordinary iron and steel is the most common form of corrosion. Rusting takes place in moist air, when the iron combines with oxygen and water to form a brown-orange deposit of rust (hydrated iron oxide). The rate of corrosion is increased where the atmosphere is polluted with sulphur dioxide. Salty road and air conditions accelerate the rusting of car bodies.

Causes of corrosion?

occurs when iron combines with oxygen in the air

What happens to iron when it is exposed to moist air?

Iron is oxidized and rusting appear.

Iron combines with oxygen in the air and causes?

Rusting - oxidation- corrosion.

What metal would rust faster in moist air?


What happens to galvanised iron which is exposed to air and water?

It is more resistant to corrosion.

Was does iron react with?

Iron can react with water in the presence of air and form rust.