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DNA contains the coding for proteins (which are made at the ribosomes)

mRNA copies the coding from the DNA and carries it to the ribosome, where tRNA builds up the protein.

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Q: How DNA linked to the role of ribosomes in a cell?
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What cell has their own DNA and ribosomes?

All cells have both DNA and ribosomes.

List 3 cell parts that are in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes?

DNA, ribosomes and cell membrane

DNA and ribosomes are found in where?

The DNA is found in the cells nucleus unless the cell is a prokaryotic cell, which then the DNA is freely floating in the cytoplasm. Ribosomes are found in the cytoplasm and on the endoplasmic reticulum.

What part of the cell creates protein for the cell?

They are maaaade on ribosomes. DNA codes for proteins

What is found in the cytoplasmof a bacteria cell?

DNA and ribosomes.

Describe the role of protein synthesis DNA nucleotides RNA ribosomes rough ER and golgi apparatus?

BBC plays a role in the protein synthesis DNA nucleotides RNA ribosomes. This is part of the body system.

What of the fallowing structure are common to both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?

The cell membrane, the cytoplasm, the DNA and the ribosomes. In the Eukaryota cells, the DNA is protected by the nuclear envelope. In the Prokaryota cells, the DNA simply float around the cytoplasm.

What do ribosomes do in a mammal cell?

Produce DNA (Deoxyribonucleuc acid)

What characteristics do all cell have?

Membrane, Cytoplasm, Ribosomes, and DNA

What role does the nucleus play in a cell What is found in the nucleus?

The nucleus is the control center of a cell. It contains genetic material called DNA, which carries the instructions for cell functions, growth, and development. Additionally, the nucleus contains the nucleolus, which is responsible for producing ribosomes.

What is a prokaryotic cell found in?

A prokaryotic cell has DNA, ribosomes, plasma membrane an cytoplasm.

Where are ribosomes locted on a protein?

Ribosomes are NOT located ON a protein. Ribosomes are organelles found in cells in/on which the cell synthesises (makes) proteins, using information that comes from the DNA in the cell's nucleus.