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after being taken off the cross he was clean wrapped up and put in a cave which was then covered by a very big rock. ( so says The Bible, ( i went to a catholic school))

AnswerThe tombs used by the rich were carved out of the solid rock. We are told in the gospels that Jesus was buried in an unused tomb owned a rich erchant called Joseph of Arimathea, who had commissioned it for his own burial when the time came, and, presumably, as his family tomb.

Typically these tombs were small rooms hewn out of the rock of a hillside usually no more than 6-10 feet square. Along the walls would be stone platforms also carved out of the rock, the number corresponding to the number for whom the tomb was eventually intended. The doorway would be small and low.

Jesus was removed from the cross, and, as was the custom, was bound in cloths and a separate cloth placed on his face. Normally, spices and ointments would be used to anoint the body, to prevent too much small and to preserve the body as long as possible in that hot country. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea are credited with wrapping Jesus' body with about 75 pounds of myrrh and aloes. The body was then placed onto the stone plinth and a large stone rolled over the entrance.
We are told in the gospels that early on the Sunday morning the women who had been with Jesus as he died came to the tomb with their spices and ointments to carry out a belated anointment. However, the stone was rolled away, and the body was gone.

It was after this that a resurrected Jesus appeared not only to his disciples, but to many other people, who were then convinced that he had risen - convinced enough that it changed their lives from that moment onwards.
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Jesus was never buried. When he was taken off of the cross he was put in a cave-like tomb with a large stone covering the entrance

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Q: How Jesus was buried?
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The New Testament tells us that Jesus was buried in a new tomb owned by Joseph of Arimathea.

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No. Good Friday.

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John 19

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AnswerJesus dead body was kept (NOT BURIED) in a huge tomb by Joseph an apostle----Jesus was buried in a new tomb which was not used , and owned by Joseph of Arametia.

Where was Jesus buried?

His tomb is in Jerusalem. You can still go see where it is today. It is located in the church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City.he was buried down stairs

What do you call the tomb in Jerusalem where Jesus was buried?

It is called a scepelchere.

Where is Jesus buried now?

Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

What friend of Jesus was buried in a cave?

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